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Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Chongqing Yuxi Middle School in 2022

admin 2023-12-26 browse

Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Chongqing Yuxi Middle School in 2022

Enrollment target: excellent fresh primary school graduates within the scope of three counterparts.

Application conditions: 1. Love the motherland, obey the law and discipline; 2. Be healthy and have good facial features.

Introduction to Chongqing Yuxi Middle School

Chongqing Yuxi Middle School, founded in the autumn of 1945, was named "Yizhi Middle School". After liberation, it was renamed "Baxian Middle School", "Baxian No. 1 Middle School", "Sichuan Baxian Tongguanyi Middle School" and "Sichuan Baxian Xipeng Middle School". In 1995, the division of Chongqing was adjusted, and it was named "Chongqing Yuxi Middle School". In 2001, it was approved as Chongqing Lianzhao School and awarded as a key middle school by the People's Government of Jiulongpo District. At the end of 2005, it was established as a civilized unit in Chongqing; In May 2006, Chongqing Municipal People's Government named it "Chongqing Key Middle School"; In December 2008, it was rated as the Green School of Jiulongpo District. He has won many honorary titles, such as the district's ideological and moral advanced group, the first prize of the school running level supervision and evaluation, the advanced grass-roots party organization, the four good leadership, the advanced group of junior and senior high school education and teaching, and the advanced group of teacher education.

School running concept of Chongqing Yuxi Middle School

Chongqing Yuxi Middle School adheres to the school running idea of "student development oriented, laying the foundation for the future of students", adheres to the school running idea of "self-improvement and harmonious development", adheres to the tradition of "education oriented, moral first", takes "virtue, erudition, ambition, and innovation" as the school motto, and "civilization, discipline, unity, and progress" as the school spirit The teaching style of "dedication, love of life, pragmatism and refinement" and the learning style of "diligence, good thinking, truth-seeking and innovation" form the characteristics of "harmonious education, sports and arts education, and information technology education". It is famous for its "quiet environment, strict management, strong teachers, good school spirit and high quality", profound cultural accumulation and pure humanistic quality. It has delivered nearly 30000 qualified talents to the society. With more than 60 years of boarding school history, it has a profound cultural accumulation and a strong humanistic quality.

School environment of Yuxi Middle School in Chongqing

Chongqing Yuxi Middle School has convenient transportation. It is adjacent to the core area of Chongqing Xipeng Industrial Park, and the Chongqing Ring Expressway passes behind the school. The school is backed by green mountains, far away from downtown, surrounded by green trees and blooming all year round.

The campus covers an area of 251 mu. The teaching building and science and technology building are equipped with all kinds of facilities and equipment such as information technology, books, class connections and so on. It is the largest boarding school in the construction scope of the Western New Town. At present, there are more than 40 teaching classes, more than 2300 students, 158 in-service teaching staff, 48 senior teachers, 14 provincial and municipal outstanding teachers, top ten teachers in the district, urban backbone teachers, urban discipline leaders, etc. The president was rated as the "Top Ten Presidents" of Jiulongpo District, and the secretary of the General Party Branch was rated as the outstanding party worker in Chongqing. Strict and scientific education and teaching management and strong teaching staff have laid a solid foundation for improving the quality of education.

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