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Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Shuangbei Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

admin 2023-12-27 browse

Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Shuangbei Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

Enrollment target: school-age children who have reached the age of 6 years before last.

Application conditions: 1. Love the motherland, obey the law and discipline; 2. Be healthy and have good facial features.

Introduction to Shuangbei Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing

Shuangbei Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing, formerly known as the First Children's Primary School of Chongqing Special Steel (Group) Corporation, was built in 1965 and handed over to the People's Government of Shapingba District in 1998. The school is located in Shuangbei Section of Yubei Road, at the junction of urban and rural areas, covering an area of about 5800 square meters. In 2013, the district government invested more than 4 million yuan in the overall transformation of the school, hardening, greening and beautification were all in place, and the school environment was completely new. The library, instrument room, reading room, equipment room, shift pass and other facilities are complete and functional. The school has obvious characteristics in running green education, and has been successively named as "Chongqing Green School", "Chongqing Civilized Etiquette Demonstration School", "Civilized Unit in Shapingba District", "Shapingba District Demonstration School of Governing Schools by Law", "Advanced Collective in Shapingba District Greening Work", "Shapingba District Green School", and "Garden like Unit" in Shapingba District. The school has 14 teaching classes with 570 students. At present, the school has 41 full-time teachers, with 100% of full-time teachers holding higher education, 34% holding intermediate professional titles or above, 2 district discipline leaders, 3 urban backbone teachers, and 3 students in the tutorial class.

Under the guidance of the school running concept of "green education", the school implements the "five-year action plan for learning based excellent classroom", continues to promote the basic balanced development of school compulsory education, and strives to improve the educational connotation. Greening, beautifying and optimizing the campus environment, giving play to the function of environmental education, and building the school into a "garden"; Practice the classroom teaching mode of "learning before teaching" and "mutual assistance and evaluation", and build the school into a "learning park"; Build a campus culture that is suitable for the independent development of teachers and students and has life value, and build the school into a "home".

"Give children a green present and a green future." Green education enriches life and composes splendid chapters!

Since its establishment in 1965, especially after the reform and opening up, the school has adhered to the concept of green school running, carried forward the spirit of "unity and progress, development of double primary schools, characteristics and striving for first-class", and comprehensively promoted quality education. Our school insists on moral education as the first, teaching as the center, improving teachers' professional quality as the support, and promoting students' comprehensive and coordinated development as the goal. We have organized and carried out educational and teaching activities, and achieved remarkable results. The school has been rated as Chongqing Civilized Etiquette Demonstration School, Chongqing Sports Traditional Project School, and Chongqing Advanced Group of Health Work Shapingba District Normative Grade A School, Shapingba District Civilized Unit, Shapingba District Green School, Shapingba District Moral Education Demonstration School, and Shapingba District Education System Professional Style Building Unit.

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