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In 2022, the enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Dayan Primary School in Dadukou District, Chongqing

admin 2023-12-28 browse

In 2022, the enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Dayan Primary School in Dadukou District, Chongqing

Enrollment target: school-age children who have reached the age of 6 years before last.

Application conditions: 1. Love the motherland, obey the law and discipline; 2. Be healthy and have good facial features.

Introduction to Dayan Primary School, Dadukou District, Chongqing

Dayan Primary School in Dadukou District was founded in 1990, covering an area of 9088 square meters. Over the past 16 years, 3500 qualified graduates have been sent to various secondary schools. At present, the school has nearly 1000 students and 55 teaching staff, of which 80% have college degree or above, 60% have intermediate professional title, 1 municipal backbone teacher and 5 district backbone teachers.

Dayan Primary School is a etiquette demonstration school in Chongqing, an excellent parent school in Chongqing, an experimental school of Chongqing sub project of the national "Tenth Five Year Plan" education and scientific research project, a civilized unit and an advanced unit of safety education in Dadukou District, a school of demonstration base for youth science and technology activities in Dadukou District, a district standard (Grade A) primary school, and a winner of the first prize of the district quality education quality assessment for many years, Winner of the first prize (or excellent organization award) of the District's "Quality Education Exhibition Week" for three consecutive times.

Under the principle of adhering to the socialist school running direction and adhering to the principle of running the school and teaching according to law, the school always adheres to the school running purpose of "comprehensively implementing the education policy, comprehensively improving the education quality, and serving all students" and the school running concept of "pragmatism, refinement, development, innovation, and laying the foundation for creating qualified modern people", and strives to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and constantly enhance the sense of service, Make every effort to improve school running conditions, increase modern educational information technology equipment and harmonious campus culture construction, so as to establish a brand new image of the school.

In recent years, the enthusiasm of teachers has soared, the quality of the team has improved rapidly, and the quality of teaching has risen steadily. Not only have they won the first prize and second prize in the district level classroom teaching competitions for many times, but also they have cultivated a group of gifted students who have won excellent achievements in the national, municipal and district level competitions for many times, winning honors for the school. The school actively invests in the new curriculum reform, pays attention to school-based teaching research and school-based teacher training, and explores the organic combination of modern educational concepts and educational practice, which has achieved many results; At the same time, he completed the educational research on "student evaluation research" of the Chongqing sub project of the national "Tenth Five Year Plan" educational research project, and has made achievements and promoted them. At present, we are planning to expand the field of scientific research.

Reviewing the history and looking forward to the future, the construction and development of Dayan Primary School has an extraordinary experience and broad prospects, because it has always been supported by the Party and the government, it has a leading group of Party and government workers who keep pace with the times under the guidance of modern education ideas, a perfect internal management mechanism of education, and a team of teachers and workers who are "realistic, refined, and progressive", It has a harmonious society and thousands of parents who support it. Dayan School will definitely make new achievements in the realization of the goal of building Dadukou District into an advanced education zone and a cultural highland in the west.

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