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Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Chongqing Yuzhong Hongyan Primary School in 2022

admin 2023-12-28 browse

Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Chongqing Yuzhong Hongyan Primary School in 2022

Enrollment target: school-age children who have reached the age of 6 years before last.

Application conditions: 1. Love the motherland, obey the law and discipline; 2. Be healthy and have good facial features.

Introduction to Chongqing Yuzhong Hongyan Primary School

Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing was founded in November 1936, covering an area of 7500 square meters, with nearly 1000 students. In September 2005, the school was moved to the site of the original special power plant school for children due to the need of reconstruction and construction in Hualongqiao area. On the morning of August 29, 2011, the original Hualongqiao Primary School and Hongyan Village Primary School in Yuzhong District were merged as a whole and renamed as Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing.

Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing is located in the core plot of "Chongqing Tiandi" in Yuzhong District, with first-class environmental facilities and a team of talented teachers. The school promotes Hongyan culture, pays attention to life and growth, and cultivates Hongyan teenagers who are "down-to-earth and ambitious". The majority of teachers adhere to the educational ideal, love their jobs and dedication, study hard and study hard, constantly improve teachers' ability to educate people, strive to run education that is satisfactory to the people, and strive to build the school into a school that the society, parents, students, and teachers all like.

School running situation of Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Beside the beautiful Jialing River and Hutouyan, beside the famous Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall, is a beautiful campus with elegant environment and long history. Founded in November 1936, the school covers an area of 7500 square meters and has nearly 1000 students. In September 2005, due to the need of reconstruction and construction in Hualongqiao area, our school moved to the site of the original special power plant children's school.

On April 16, 1991, Comrade Jiang Zemin visited the Hongyan Memorial Hall and wrote the inscription "Carry forward the spirit of Hongyan and forge ahead along the path pioneered by the older generation of revolutionaries." In order to carry forward the spirit of Hongyan, the school was renamed Hongyan Village Primary School from Huangjuebu Primary School in 1997 with the approval of the district government. On the morning of August 29, 2011, the original Hualongqiao Primary School and Hongyan Village Primary School in Yuzhong District were merged as a whole and renamed as Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing.

School running policy of Hongyan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

The motto of the school is "keep the motherland in mind, look at the world, take the Hongyan Road, and be a Hongyan person"; Adhere to the school running idea of "people-oriented, teaching by law, scientific research, democratic management"; The educational concept of "the success of education is the success of students, and the growth of students is the success of teachers"; "Adhere to the spirit of Hongyan to create and manage schools" is the school running feature.

The school is founded and governed according to the spirit of Hongyan, and takes "the patriotic spirit of saving the nation from extinction, the spirit of fearing hardships and dangers, and the spirit of solidarity" as our educational soul. The school education gradually constructs the teaching mode of "one book, two wings, four combinations". That is to say, education is the foundation, and moral education and specialty activities are the two wings; Efforts should be made to achieve the combination of Hongyan front education and the cultivation of students' social competence, the combination of shaping students' healthy psychology and cultivating students' viability, the combination of tapping Hongyan spiritual wealth and cultivating students' artistic expertise, the combination of rational use of community resources and the cultivation of students' sound personality.

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