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Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Shuanghu Primary School in Yubei District, Chongqing in 2022

admin 2023-12-29 browse

Enrollment conditions, enrollment requirements and enrollment objects of Shuanghu Primary School in Yubei District, Chongqing in 2022

Enrollment target: school-age children who have reached the age of 6 years before last.

Application conditions: 1. Love the motherland, obey the law and discipline; 2. Be healthy and have good facial features.

Introduction to Shuanghu Primary School in Yubei District, Chongqing

Shuanghu Primary School in Yubei District was founded in 1998. The school has 51 teaching classes, including 3 classes in the affiliated kindergarten of Shuanghu Primary School, with 2754 students, 158 teachers, 14 urban level backbone teachers, and 63 people with middle and senior professional titles.

The school has a strong faculty, beautiful environment, rich cultural atmosphere, distinctive characteristics, and educational and teaching facilities that meet the overall standards. It has built a plastic playground, a wind and rain court, "six function rooms", laboratories, computer rooms, libraries, digital campus, class to class communication, and campus safety monitoring system, laying a solid material foundation for the development of the school.

The school has advanced school running ideas, solid management, courage to be the first, and innovation. Adhering to the school motto of "heaven and earth are the most beautiful chess board for my youth", it highlights the characteristics of "Go culture", and under the guidance of the school running philosophy of "happy start, mind and mind go together", it has infiltrated some cultural characteristics of Go into the school education and teaching management, accumulated and formed a "unity of knowledge and action, self-improvement" The school spirit, the teaching style of "examining the time and measuring the teaching, and keeping the truth" and the learning style of "concentrating, always thinking and making progress" constantly promote the education reform and improve the education level.

The school has a good educational effect and excellent school running level. Since its establishment, the school has been successively rated as Chongqing Civilized Unit, Yubei District Demonstration Primary School, Civilized Etiquette Demonstration School, Green School, and advanced collectives in moral education, continuing education, information technology, education and scientific research; It has won the first prize of school running evaluation in Yubei District for 15 consecutive years. Teachers and students have won more than 1300 national and city level awards. It has provided the scene for national and city level competitions, research and training, and learning and observation for many times.

The future of Shuanghu Education will be more beautiful and greener with the words "stop at the top of the mountain, stop at the scene".

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