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Enrollment Policy and Scope of Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School in 2022

admin 2023-10-29 browse

Enrollment Policy and Scope of Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School in 2022

Enrollment Policy of Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School in 2022

The principle of admission according to law. All the "three pairs" students of this year's primary school graduation grade who have registered in our school before August 31, 2021 are enrolled in our school and should receive and complete compulsory education according to law.

The principle of counterpart enrollment. The "three matching" enrollment method is implemented, that is, the student's household registration, housing management certificate (or housing property right certificate) and actual residence are consistent with those of his/her parents.

Principle of normative fairness. "Sunshine enrollment" is implemented to ensure open information, fair opportunities and fair results, and no students are recruited.

Enrollment Scope of Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School in 2022

"Three matching" students in Longxi Street and Longshan Street

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Introduction to Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School

Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School, located in the core area where Yubei, Jiangbei, Shapingba and Liangjiang New District meet, is a public full-time high school under the supervision of the Education Commission of Yubei District, Chongqing. It has obvious geographical advantages, unique resource advantages, convenient transportation and convenient life. The school has first-class facilities, reasonable planning and exquisite layout, providing a good environment for teachers and students to study and live. The school pays well, especially cares about the living conditions of newly assigned teachers, provides transitional housing for new teachers, and provides three meals in the morning, noon and evening on weekdays. There are school buses between the two campuses to pick up and send new teachers to work, so as to effectively solve the difficulties of accommodation for new teachers.

At present, the school has two campuses, Songshuqiao and Ranjiaba, covering an area of nearly 100 mu, with a building area of more than 60000 square meters, 72 teaching classes, nearly 4000 students, 329 teaching staff, including 323 full-time teachers, 2 middle school researchers, 90 senior teachers, 2 national key scientific research teachers, 1 national excellent instructor, 3 famous teachers in Chongqing There are 5 famous discipline teachers, 1 academic leader and 4 discipline leaders in Chongqing, 15 excellent professional and technical talents in Chongqing, 2 super grade teachers in Chongqing, 16 municipal backbone teachers, more than 100 district level famous teachers and backbone teachers, and 150 graduates with master's degree or above and graduate courses. Three young and middle-aged teachers were selected to teach in Confucius Institutes in the United States, Britain, Canada and other countries. Nearly 260 teaching and administrative staff were awarded the honorary titles of national and urban key principals, model workers, key teachers, excellent teachers, model teachers, outstanding Communist Party members and other advanced individuals.

In recent years, under the care and support of the district party committee and the district government, and under the direct leadership of the district education committee, the school adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implements the party's education policies, and constantly improves the quality of school running and social impact. Many students have been admitted to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Oxford and other well-known universities, and have successively won the National Characteristic School National science and technology education demonstration unit, national art education advanced unit, national campus culture advanced unit, popular science education demonstration base of the Chinese Academy of Juvenile Sciences, Chinese innovative school, excellent school of the Chinese Youth Robot Competition, demonstration base of scientific and technological invention for young people of Soong Ching ling, civilized unit in Chongqing, model school of running schools according to law in Chongqing, safe and civilized campus in Chongqing Chongqing Advanced Collective of Education and Scientific Research, Chongqing Excellent Parent School, member unit of Chongqing Principals' Reading Association, Chongqing Science and Technology Education Characteristic School, Chongqing Primary and Secondary School Robot Activity Competition Base, Chongqing Youth Innovative Talents Training Young Eagle Plan Base School, Chongqing Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Education Demonstration School, Chongqing Health Unit Nearly 600 awards and honorary titles, including Chongqing Model School for Health and Health Care Promotion, Chongqing Advanced Collective for Caring for the Next Generation, and Chongqing Model School for National Defense Education.

In the course of half a century of school running, the school has formed the school running philosophy of "developing intelligence, developing personality, cultivating righteousness, and cultivating talents", the school motto of "learning to be a man, being able to read, exercising hard, and fighting bravely", the school spirit of "unity, civilization, motivation, and progress", the teaching style of "profound, exemplary, good guidance, and exploration", and the learning style of "hard work, mutual learning, good thinking, and upward". The new leadership team of the school also put forward the moral education concept of "Pine wind cultivates people", led all teachers to "cultivate fresh trees in the pine, create towering trees in the society", guided students to uphold the spirit of pine and cypress, and laid a foundation for life development.

In moral education, guided by the concept of "moral character education", the work of moral education inherits and develops the school's excellent tradition of moral education over the years, constantly expands the new connotation and hot spots of moral education, constantly explores new ways and methods of moral education, and constantly strengthens the strength and depth of moral education, which has achieved good results. Continue to improve the training mechanism of moral education team; Actively select class teachers to participate in various national and municipal moral education training. Carry out a regular theme class meeting once a month. The school will strengthen the unified management of the theme class meeting and make scientific planning, so that the theme class meeting with both appearance and spirit will become the main feature of effective and efficient moral education. The Moral Education Research Center was established to focus on the basic working methods of the head teachers of the school, the analysis and solutions of individual problems in the growth process of students, the ideological guidance of students in different learning stages, and the effective ways of value cultivation in the direction of "improving the professional level of the head teachers and promoting the professional development of the team of head teachers". Sports and art activities are rich and colorful, with remarkable results. Sports science and technology art festival (speech, calligraphy and painting works exhibition and on-site calligraphy and painting, scientific and technological works exhibition and on-site model assembly, dance forest conference, instrumental music competition, handwritten newspaper exhibition, talent show, photography exhibition and good voice), Red May singing competition, art festival report performance, sports meeting and other activity carriers, to create an open and innovative campus art space for students' development, And provide different campus culture and leisure experience. At the same time, there are more than 30 student associations that have built a platform for students to show their talents, providing a vast world.

In terms of teaching management, the school takes the national college entrance examination and high school entrance examination education reform and development policy as the guidance, adheres to the concept of "seeking quality from the classroom and efficiency from activities", vigorously implements the teaching reform of "reducing burden, improving quality and increasing efficiency", implements the classroom model of "compulsory courses+activity courses+tutorial courses+self-study courses", deeply promotes the selection of classes and classes, and comprehensively cultivates students' interests and hobbies. In recent years, the school has produced 11 top students in the secondary school entrance examination and 8 top students in the college entrance examination in the district. It has cultivated outstanding students such as He Qingyu, Deng Chaobin, He Zhiguang, Liu Lili, Zou Hongxian, Liu Hao and so on who have entered first-class universities such as Cambridge University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Thousands of students have been admitted to municipal key high schools and national key universities, There are also many elite students studying in the United States, Britain, Singapore and other universities.

In terms of characteristic education, the school's scientific and technological innovation education brand for young people has established itself in the city and enjoyed a nationwide reputation. In recent years, school teachers have presided over more than 30 national, municipal and district level scientific and technological innovation education projects for teenagers. In the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition, the school won 68 national first prizes (including 24 research papers); In the National Youth Robot Competition, the school has participated in the national competition on behalf of Chongqing for 12 consecutive years, winning 15 gold medals and 16 silver medals; The school also cultivated 10 "young academicians" of the Chinese Academy of Juvenile Sciences; More than 1000 teachers and students of the school applied for creative invention patents and were approved; It has won the first prize of Chongqing Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition for 15 consecutive years, and more than 200 people have won outstanding awards; Won 2 Mayor's Awards for Youth Science and Technology Innovation in Chongqing, 5 Nomination Awards for Mayor's Awards, and 13 Mayor's Awards for Youth Science and Technology Innovation District of Yubei District; The school also won the collective honorary title of Chongqing Youth Science and Technology Innovation Cultivation Award. The school has also set up Chongqing municipal science and technology activity room and the first batch of youth science and technology education teacher studios. In 2016, the school successfully joined the National Innovation Education Alliance and became a core member school, making science and technology education thriving. In 2018, the school was identified as the first batch of innovative education pilot schools in Chongqing.

In terms of teacher training, teacher growth is the first element of school development and the richest, most potential and most vital educational resource of the school. Therefore, we attach great importance to improving teacher training and constantly improving the level of teacher professionalism. First, actively explore the way of school-based training, organize teachers to participate in all staff training in winter and summer vacation, deepen the normality of school-based teaching research, collective lesson preparation, Blue Project, excellent course contest, theme class meeting contest, teachers' basic skills contest and other activities, constantly stimulate teachers' enthusiasm for learning, and let teachers grow and progress in activities. The second is to introduce teachers to participate in district level, municipal level and national level training, make field visits, observe and learn from well-known schools in China. There are both face-to-face lectures, exchanges and discussions, and online training, learning and examinations, so as to broaden teachers' horizons and improve their professional ability. Third, adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", and build an inter school cooperation platform. Key teachers, discipline leaders and experts above the municipal level are invited to give lectures and lectures at the school. In this way, teachers can get in touch with experts more and learn from them. The school has established friendship with Derbetty Middle School in England and Fredensburg Christian Middle School in the United States. Three outstanding young and middle-aged teachers have been selected to teach in Confucius Institutes in the United States, Britain, Canada and other places. At the same time, teachers are also selected to teach in Tibet, receiving cadres and teachers from Changdu Middle School in Tibet who come to the school to study and exercise with the class, so as to realize resource sharing and common improvement. According to statistics, our teachers have about three opportunities to participate in training at all levels per capita per year. In addition to the funds directly borne by Yubei District Teachers' Training School, the school spends more than 1.1 million yuan on teacher training every year.

School development leads teacher development, and teacher development directly affects student development. Only a key group of teachers with both ability and integrity, full of love, and willing to contribute, can we run the best school. The key teacher group of the school refers to the teaching and research team leader, lesson preparation team leader, and backbone teachers. The teaching and research team leader must achieve "three excellence" in knowledge, business, and management, and be able to unite and lead the whole team to successfully complete the teaching task; The lesson preparation team leader is an outstanding talent at the professional discipline level. The aspects of lesson preparation, lecture and guidance should be the core and representative of the discipline teaching of the grade, and should be responsible for cultivating and supporting the backward; The backbone teachers are the outstanding young and middle-aged teachers, who can stand alone and shoulder heavy responsibilities in subject teaching. The school has formulated a training plan for key teachers, and takes the training of key teachers as the fundamental plan for the development of the school. In recent years, under the guidance of the District Education Committee, our school has made remarkable achievements by strengthening leadership, careful organization, and conscientiously implementing the training of key teachers in accordance with the training idea of introducing outstanding people, making good use of current people, retaining key people, and training future people. First, we should vigorously create a good environment, fully stimulate teachers' passion for growth, and guide teachers to actively approach the "backbone" goal. The second is to accelerate the growth of key teachers at all levels by pressing the burden, guiding the way and building a platform. The key teachers of the school achieve the "Five Ones" every year: that is, they publish more than one teaching and research paper in the district level or above journals; Last open class with high level; Lead a young teacher to grow; Give a special lecture at or above the school level; Participate in more than one educational research project research and experiment. The third is to actively recommend, win support from superiors, and broaden the development channels of backbone teachers.

When Guan Shan first passed through the dust, he rode his horse and raised his whip to fight again. Looking back on yesterday, we are full of pride; Looking forward to tomorrow, we are confident; Based on today, we are striding forward. In the new wave of educational reform and development, all Matsushita people will inherit the fine traditions, forge ahead with reform and innovation, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implement the Party's educational policies, constantly improve the quality of school running, constantly enhance social influence, and constantly meet the people's growing needs for a better life, To strive to build the school into a famous Bayu school with excellent teachers, happy students, parents' recognition, peer praise and social reputation.

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