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Enrollment Policy and Scope of Chongqing Guangyi Middle School in 2022

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Enrollment Policy and Scope of Chongqing Guangyi Middle School in 2022

Enrollment Policy of Chongqing Guangyi Middle School in 2022

The principle of admission according to law. Before August 31, 2022 (including August 31), all children aged 6 and above shall receive and complete compulsory education according to law. The age for children to attend special education schools and village schools (points) in rural areas that do not meet the conditions can be moderately relaxed. If it is necessary to postpone enrollment or suspend schooling due to physical conditions, their parents or other legal guardians shall file an application and report it to the District Education Committee for the record. The District Education Committee and the school shall track their enrollment.

The principle of nearby examination free. The school-age children and adolescents with household registration in this district will go to school in the nearest place where their household registration is located. Compulsory education schools are not allowed to select students in the name of written examination, interview, interview, etc., and completely cancel the recruitment of excellent students, recommended students, specialty students, etc.

The principle of counterpart enrollment. Students in the urban compulsory education stage are enrolled in the "three pairs" approach, that is, school aged children and their parents have the same household registration, housing property certificate (or housing property certificate, formal housing purchase contract) and actual residence. At the stage of rural compulsory education, students are enrolled in the corresponding schools based on their household registration.

Principle of normative fairness. Public schools at the stage of compulsory education are prohibited from enrolling students who choose schools. Improve the enrollment publicity system, consultation system and social supervision system, implement "sunshine enrollment", and achieve open information, fair opportunities and fair results.

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Profile of Chongqing Guangyi Middle School

Chongqing Guangyi Middle School, located at No. 78, Wenfeng Section, Huangjueya, Nan'an District, was founded by the London Christian Society. On February 15, 1892, missionary Robert Tao Weixin enrolled boys in Daliangzi, Chongqing (today's Xinhua Road, Yuzhong District) for a class. In 1894, he moved to No. 23, Xiaduyou Street (today's Jiefangbei Meimei Department Store), which was approved by Chuandong Daotai, the Qing Dynasty. It was originally called Guangyi Academy. In 1898, it was renamed Guangyi Academy. In 1904, it moved from Xiaduyou Street to Chongwenli, Baxian County (the current site of Huangjueya, Nan'an District), It was renamed Guangyi Middle School. In 1928, due to the anti religious movement, the school broke away from the London Christian Friends Association, and was taken over by Yang Fangling, a Chinese, and transformed into a private Guangyi Middle School in Chongqing. In the same year, Liu Xiang, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Government and a warlord in eastern Sichuan, personally presented the plaque of "Jiangba School Crown" to the school.

On November 30, 1949, when Chongqing was liberated, Guangyi Middle School raised the first five-star red flag of Chongqing. In 1951, it was taken over by Chongqing Municipal People's Government of Sichuan Province and renamed as Chongqing No. 5 Middle School of Sichuan Province. In 1960, Liangfengya Middle School was withdrawn from incorporation. In 1992, Chongqing Municipal Education Commission of Sichuan Province instructed to restore the school name as Guangyi Middle School of Chongqing, Sichuan Province, and "Guangyi" came back into people's sight. In 1997, it was renamed as Chongqing Guangyi Middle School after Chongqing was directly under the central government. In the same year, the adjacent No. 4 Middle School of Chongqing was restructured, and Guangyi absorbed most of the staff and students of the former No. 4 Middle School of Chongqing, expanding the scale of the school. In May 2001, the school was approved by Chongqing Municipal Education Commission to become a joint recruitment school in Chongqing. In 2004, the school absorbed Tushan Middle School and continued to expand its scale. In 2005, it was rated as Nan'an District Model Middle School.

Over the past hundred years, through the joint efforts of teachers and students in different historical periods, Guangyi Middle School has formed a fine tradition of "patriotism and love of the school, rigorous scholarship, respect for teachers and diligence, and civilization and liveliness". In different historical periods, it has continued to innovate with the times on the basis of inheriting the traditional school running characteristics. As the school was initially set up for the church, the English people were in charge of the teaching affairs. The students often contacted with the British people and became interested in English after hearing about it. Later, it was a private school. President Yang Fangling graduated from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He has profound English skills, especially English teaching. After graduating from high school, students can read the complete works of Shakespeare in English and speak fluently in English.

In 1904, Mr. Tao Weiyi, who was then the headmaster, was once the center of the Second Royal Football Team. He brought the first football to Sichuan. The school built the first standard football field in southwest China in 1905, and formed the first regular football team with uniforms and shoes in 1907, which carried out football extensively. When compiling Chongqing Football History, Chongqing Football Association reached the conclusion that "Chongqing modern football started from Guangyi Middle School" through textual research. After Yang Fangling took over as the headmaster, he continued to attach importance to and love football, and the school football level continued to flourish. In 1933, the school team won the football team of the British ship Fukang at 7:0. For this reason, the ship gave a copper bell to the school, which has been used ever since. In 1937, Guangyi Middle School won the football championship of the Middle School Department in the first Chongqing Sports Meet. Several members of the school team represented the Sichuan team and the five provincial teams in West China to participate in the National Games, the National Football Match, the East Sichuan Regional Match and other events.

After the government took over Guangyi in 1951, while maintaining its original school running characteristics, the school fully implemented the Party's educational policy and became more active in extracurricular activities. Students still love football. There are class teams in football classes and school teams in schools. Regular intramural competitions are held and colleges and universities in the city are invited to come to the school for competitions. In the early 1950s, he won many championships in the municipal middle school students' football games and won the "National Defense Cup" in the municipal games. From the early 1960s to the early 1970s, it has been ranked second and third in the municipal middle school system. In 1982, he won the championship of Nan'an District "Hope Cup" and the third place of the city "Hope Cup". Ten people including Xian Shichang, Wang Jiaxun, Ma Dingwen (father of Chinese football star Ma Mingyu), Zhu Dejin and Chen Yingjun were selected into the Sichuan football team. 6、 Ma Peizi, a sports teacher and football coach in the 1970s, is one of the famous coaches recorded in Chongqing Football History. In 1985, 1986 and 1987, the school women's football team won the championship of Chongqing Women's Football Match, and won one permanent trophy for three consecutive titles. The school has also been identified as "National Youth Campus Football Activity Layout School" and "Chongqing Nan'an District Youth and Children Sports School".

While inheriting the traditional characteristics of football, school art features are highlighted. Famous Chinese painters Yang Jichuan and She Xueman once taught fine arts at school. In the 1980s, Fu Yi, a graduate, held a personal fine brushwork exhibition in Switzerland, which caused a sensation. One of the flower works was selected by France as a stamp pattern for release. The student Wang Lin's traditional painting "Happy Forest" was selected for Sichuan Children's Painting Exhibition, and "Monkey Picks Apple" won the second prize in Sichuan Province. In 1984, "This Uncle Is Really Interesting" France was selected for the award of excellence, and "Yoko's father, we hope to see you" was selected for exhibition in Hiroshima, Japan. Since 2000, the number of people taking the college entrance examination for arts and sports has been the first in Nan'an District for many years. In terms of music, the school has organized choirs and musical instrument interest groups for a long time, so that students with musical talents can learn a lot.

On the Centennial Anniversary in 1994, the school again put forward the goal of running a characteristic school, and the characteristics bear the heavy responsibility of paving the way for the centennial school to develop its momentum again. It also clarifies the school running idea of taking moral education characteristics as a breakthrough to promote the development of artistic and physical characteristics.

In order to focus on the characteristics of moral education, the school set up a moral education leading group led by the president and secretary, and in early 1995 formulated the "Trial Implementation Opinions of Chongqing Guangyi Middle School on the Implementation of Moral Education Characteristics", unified planning, and proposed to build a characteristic moral education base, take the series of activities of "knowing, loving and prospering the school" as the main line, focus on the construction of civilization and etiquette, and strive to create a district The characteristic moral education implementation plan aimed at the municipal civilized etiquette demonstration school.

After years of efforts, the characteristics of moral education have shown signs. In 1995, the school won the title of "District Civilized Etiquette Demonstration School", in 1997, it won the title of "City Civilized Etiquette Demonstration School", in 1999, it won the title of Nan'an District Safe and Civilized Community, in 2001, it won the title of the best civilized unit in Nan'an District, and in 2004, it won the title of Nan'an District Green School.

Looking at the school running characteristics of Guangyi for more than 100 years, we can see a clear development path. Before the People's Government took over in 1951, the school running characteristics were English and football. From the People's Government took over in 1951 to the Centennial Anniversary in 1994, the school features football and art. Since the Centennial Anniversary in 1994, the school has been characterized by physical arts (art is more prominent) and moral education, which fully reflects the inheritance of Guangyi's school running characteristics and the innovation of keeping pace with the times.

The school covers an area of 78404 square meters (about 117 mu), with forest coverage of about 60%. The school now has first-class multimedia classrooms, computer rooms, language rooms, reading rooms, physical, chemical and biological laboratories and other functional rooms and auxiliary equipment; The earliest standard football field in southwest China has been reconstructed and expanded to a plastic lawn playground; The city's leading multi-function studio; Apartment style student dormitory with complete facilities, safety and convenience; A campus network has been built, and modern educational and teaching equipment has been allocated to classrooms.

Guangyi Middle School has cultivated many talents for a hundred years. He Lu, Wen Youzhang, Lai Yizhuang, Deng Junwu and others taught here, while Zou Rong, Li Ximing, Gu Gengyu, Wang Pu and others studied here. Over the past century, Guangyi students have spread all over the world, and there are many outstanding people in Guangyi, including Li Ximing, the former member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; Li Chaoyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of brain science; Zou Gang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of pharmacology; Zhao Qiguo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and soil scientist; Liu Jiaxing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and expert in measurement, control and radar; Wang Jiafu, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, legal expert, drafter of the Property Law, etc.

After the liberation, the school's teaching achievements have been among the best in the city. Since 2000, the school enrollment rate has been rising year by year. In 2001, the college entrance examination rate was 92.3%; 94.5% in 2002; 95.4% in 2003; In 2004 and 2005, the university's college entrance examination achieved excellent results 10 percentage points higher than the city's average enrollment rate. In 2008, the online rate of science subjects in the college entrance examination was 98.07%, ranking first in Nan'an District; In 2009, the corresponding specialty won the first place in the city. The school pays attention to the key points of the college entrance examination of students with special personality. The undergraduate online rate is 46.6%, the total online rate is 95.6%, and the highest score in science is 664; In the 2009 National Higher Art Enrollment Examination, 3 people won exhibitions, and there were more than 10 student associations carrying out activities all year round. The school has won the first prize of Nan'an District's comprehensive supervision and evaluation of school running quality for 17 consecutive years.

The teaching and research atmosphere is strong. The school has participated in the research of the national project "Promoting the reform and development of quality education in the whole country facing the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in the 21st century", the teaching reform experiment of the municipal project "Improving classroom effectiveness by relying on school-based training", and the research of the municipal key project "Happy sports and sports implementing quality education". Participated in the national sports 218 project and won the first prize of the country, and the student project "Research on the advantages and disadvantages of junior high school education and improvement measures" won the first prize of the city. The school is an experimental school of Chongqing's planning project "Research on the Professional Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers". The school has compiled and published the school-based textbook Haoran Wenfeng Hundred Years of Guangyi. The experience of history teacher Huang Zuqing guiding students to write was selected into the Sichuan textbook. The school has 32 senior teachers (up to 2009 when this book was edited and published), 5 backbone teachers in Chongqing, 15 backbone teachers in Nan'an District, 1 national advanced teacher, 10 Chongqing advanced teachers, and 98 district advanced and praised teachers.

In the "2009 School Management Year", under the leadership of President Zhang Xianlin, the school won the honors of "Chongqing Famous Characteristic School for Educational Meritorious Achievements in the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of New China", Chongqing Demonstration School for Democratic Management, Chongqing Safe and Civilized School, Nan'an District Worker Pioneer, Nan'an District Third Advanced Collective for Educational Information Technology and Equipment The fourth education and scientific research advanced group of Nan'an District, football and track and field training points of Nan'an District Youth and Children Sports School, national youth campus football activity layout school, and other honorary titles.

With a century long history of running a school, Guangyi has set up the teacher development goal of "noble teacher morality, dedication, excellent business, teaching and educating people, solidarity and cooperation" and the student training goal of "being a real person with lofty aspirations; seeking true knowledge, deep learning; still practicing, becoming a talent and serving the country"; The school running thought of "adhering to tradition, focusing on innovation, highlighting characteristics, and harmonious development" and the school running tradition of "loving the country and loving the school, rigorous scholarship, respecting teachers and studying hard, and being civilized and lively" have been clarified, and the core system of Guangyi Middle School's concept and culture has been established.

Those who have served as principals or presided over the work of Guangyi Middle School since its establishment include:

Tao Weixin (1892-1901), Tao Weiyi (1901-1909), Fan Ruifu (1909-1912), Wei Jiheng (1912-1916), Tao Weixin (1916-1922), Tao Weiyi (1922-1926), Yang Fangling (1926-1950), Xiang Yangxin, Li Zhaoji Zhang Jisheng, Peng Keding, Zhang Kezheng, Zhang Rong, Peng Dekun, Zhao Qingyun, Lin Yan and others successively served as principals or presided over the school work. Li Changlu (1979-1980), Xiong Qiyuan (1980-1981), Lan Xilin (1982-1983), Zhang Dehou (1984-1988), Fan Mingfang (1988-1992), Mao Baoquan (1992-1999), Zhang Fangxue (2000-2003), Yin Ping (2003-2004) Li Xiaobing (2004-2008), Zhang Xianlin (2008-present).

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