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Enrolment policy and scope of Chongqing Datavalley Middle School in 2022

admin 2023-11-04 browse

Enrolment policy and scope of Chongqing Datavalley Middle School in 2022

Enrollment Policy of Chongqing Datavalley Middle School for Primary and Secondary School Students in 2022

The principle of nearby examination free. The district education committee, in combination with the actual educational resources, plans to delimit and scientifically and dynamically adjust the enrollment area of compulsory education schools. All children and teenagers of the right age with household registration can enter the school nearby without examination in the place where their household registration is located.

The principle of counterpart enrollment. The enrollment of junior high school freshmen is carried out by means of direct promotion, lottery, and lottery. That is to say, after primary school graduation, students with permanent residence will be admitted in the order of "three pairs", "two pairs", and "one pair" according to the actual situation of their primary school's designated degree of the corresponding junior high school, or by means of lottery, lottery, and so on, so as to protect the rights of children with permanent residence to receive compulsory education according to law.

Principle of normative fairness. Public schools at the stage of compulsory education are prohibited from enrolling students who choose schools. We will improve the enrollment publicity system, consultation system and social supervision system, implement "sunshine enrollment", and publicize enrollment methods, enrollment materials, enrollment procedures, enrollment order, and consultation telephone numbers in a timely manner through the district government, the district education committee's network platform, the school's external network platform, offline bulletin board and other channels. At the same time, the school will notify each new student's parents to make the information open, the opportunity fair and the result fair.

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Introduction to Chongqing Data Valley Middle School

Data Valley Middle School in Yubei District of Chongqing, founded in 2019, is a public junior middle school that Yubei District focuses on building, and is also the management school of Chongqing No. 8 Middle School. Under the leadership of Yubei District Party Committee, the District Education Committee and Chongqing No. 8 Middle School, the school is developing rapidly, constantly practicing and inheriting the spirit and teaching philosophy of No, Carry forward the education core of "creating inheritance, innovation and excellence" of Data Valley Middle School, and jointly use love and wisdom to achieve a happy life, aiming to create a high-quality junior high school education brand that satisfies people and reassures parents.

Data Valley Middle School is located in Qiucheng Avenue, Yubei District, covering an area of 178 mu, with a building area of 98000 square meters, a total investment of more than 500 million yuan, and can accommodate 120 classes, 6000 students and 600 faculty. There are four functional areas in the campus, namely, teaching area, administrative area, sports area and living area, with complete facilities and equipment, recording and broadcasting rooms, conference rooms, laboratories and academic lecture halls. Face recognition and cloud platform cover the campus, and it is committed to building a modern smart campus integrating large data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the Internet.

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