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Enrollment policy and scope of Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

admin 2023-12-15 browse

Enrollment policy and scope of Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

Enrollment Policy of Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

(1) Principle of admission according to law

Before August 31, 2022 (including August 31), all school-age children who have reached the age of 6 shall receive and complete compulsory education according to law. The legal guardian of Shapingba District registered school-age children whose physical condition really needs to be postponed to the age of 7 shall submit a written application and report it to the Education Commission of Shapingba District for filing before July 30, 2022. The school-age children and adolescents who have completed primary school education with Shapingba District household registration, and the out of school children with primary school education who are under the age of 16 years old with Shapingba District household registration (new students are not subject to age restrictions) shall receive and complete compulsory education in junior high school according to law.

(2) Examination free admission principle

The school-age children and teenagers with household registration in Shapingba District (excluding the household registration in the park directly under the jurisdiction of Chongqing High tech Zone, the same below) are enrolled in school in the nearest place where their household registration is located. Compulsory education schools are not allowed to select students in the name of written examination, interview, interview, etc., and completely cancel the recruitment of excellent students, recommended students, specialty students, etc.

(3) Principle of synchronization with the same weight

The public and private compulsory education schools will release enrollment plans, review enrollment materials and enroll students simultaneously. Eligible school-age children and primary school graduating students can choose a private school to register, and public and private schools cannot simultaneously register.

(4) Principle of normative fairness

We will improve the sunshine enrollment mechanism for compulsory education, make enrollment policies fully open, make enrollment procedures fully public, and involve multiple representatives. We will effectively strengthen enrollment supervision and regulation, standardize enrollment behavior, and ensure fair enrollment opportunities, open procedures, and fair results.

Enrollment scope of Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing in 2022

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Introduction to Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing

Shuren Heping Primary School is located in Shapingba District, Chongqing.

School running conditions of Shuren Heping Primary School in Shapingba District, Chongqing

Shuren Heping Primary School covers an area of about 36.4 mu, with a total construction area of about 23338 square meters. The proposed school scale is 28 classes, with a lecture hall that can accommodate 234 people, 628 canteen dining spaces, 127 indoor parking spaces, and 15 outdoor electric parking spaces.

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