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In 2022, Chongqing No. 42 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

admin 2023-10-17 browse

In 2022, Chongqing No. 42 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

Expected enrollment score: about 610 points

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Chongqing No. 42 Middle School's in-depth research orientation, scientific and accurate preparation

Teach clearly, guide students to teach with direction; Know the type of questions and focus on writing for the college entrance examination. In order to actively respond to the new requirements of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination and further promote the demonstration research on the implementation of the "new curriculum and new textbooks" in our school, our school held an expert lecture on efficient lesson preparation strategies for the 2022 college entrance examination on October 29. The lecture was given by the well-known college entrance examination English research expert, Mr. Ma Guomin, and presided over by Vice President Hu Jianxun. All teachers of the senior high school English teaching and research group and junior high school English teachers participated in the activity.

This activity is divided into teacher field and student field. In the teachers' field, Mr. Ma shared from the following three perspectives based on the questions and doubts raised by our senior three teachers.

1. How to effectively explain words? Based on his teaching experience, Mr. Ma emphasized that he should focus on explaining high-frequency words and core words, and guide students to repeat memory using fragmented time, such as making good use of early reading and three minutes before class. In addition, the teacher can also urge students to accumulate vocabulary by using exercise texts.

2. How to improve the ability to continue writing after reading? As the most important new question type in the new college entrance examination, the continuation after reading is the focus of the attention of teachers and students in Grade Three. Ma stressed that students should first have a large amount of input of necessary knowledge, such as discourse knowledge and the expression of relevant details. In order to better enable students to apply what they have learned, teachers should also design writing classes, constantly present them in layers, urge students to practice writing more, and guide students to make self-evaluation and mutual evaluation.

3. How to arrange the key points of review and lesson preparation? Mr. Ma pointed out that teachers should be familiar with the new curriculum and exam syllabus, combine the orientation of the new college entrance examination, integrate teaching aids, and lead students to prepare for the exam. During the course implementation, teachers can design more cooperative learning activities in groups to improve students' autonomous learning ability.

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