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Enrollment policy and scope of Yucai School in Chongqing Hi tech Industrial Development Zone in 2022

admin 2023-12-16 browse

Enrollment policy and scope of Yucai School in Chongqing Hi tech Industrial Development Zone in 2022

Enrollment Policy of Yucai School in Chongqing Hi tech Industrial Development Zone for Children to Primary School in 2022

(1) The principle of admission according to law. Before August 31, 2022 (including August 31), all children aged 6 and above shall receive and complete compulsory education according to law. The parents or other legal guardians of the school-age children in the registered permanent residence who need to delay their enrollment due to their physical conditions must apply with the household register and relevant hospital certificates, and report to the Basic Education Department (Primary School Department) of the District Education Commission for the record. The District Education Commission and the school track their enrollment.

(2) The principle of nearby examination free. All school-age children with household registration in this district will go to school in the nearest place where their household registration is located. At the stage of compulsory education, schools may not select students in the name of written examination, interview, interview, etc.

(3) The principle of counterpart enrollment. Primary school freshmen are enrolled in the "three pairs" enrollment method, that is, school-age children and their parents' (parents') hukou together, the address of the hukou book is consistent with the parents' housing property certificate or formal housing purchase contract, and the address of the hukou book is consistent with the actual residence. At the stage of rural compulsory education, students are enrolled in the corresponding schools according to their household registration.

(4) Principle of normative fairness. Public schools at the stage of compulsory education are prohibited from recruiting students who choose schools and from collecting fees arbitrarily. Improve the enrollment publicity system, consultation system and social supervision system, implement "sunshine enrollment", and achieve open information, fair opportunities and fair results.

Attached is the previous enrollment scope of Yucai School in Chongqing High tech Industrial Development Zone

Oti Road [Yundong Renjia (No. 2, Oti Road), Yimingyuan Community (No. 16, Oti Road), Huayu 2008 Apartment (No. 60, Oti East Road), Shangcheng Shangcheng Garden (No. 1, Oti Road), Yimingyuan (No. 2, Oti Road), Poly Guobin Upper Courtyard (No. 28, Oti Road), adjacent to the left and right houses (No. 7, Oti Road)]; Aoyun Road [Tongchuang Aoyun (No. 1 Aoyun Road), Shangcheng Aolin (No. 3 Aoyun Road), Baikangnian Olympic Light Year (No. 146 Aoyun Road Sports Street), Jinzhou Xinyun Garden (No. 160 Aoyun Road Sports Street)]; Huayu Building (118 Chaotian Village); Building 8, Jiuyang New Village; Above 150 Keyuan 6th Road [Longjingwan Residential Community (150 Keyuan 6th Road), Jundu Caishe (295 Keyuan 6th Road), Junlin Caishe (295 Keyuan 6th Road)]; Longteng Avenue [Longxin International (187 Longteng Avenue), Colorful Aolin (201 Longteng Avenue), Pioneer Cube (79 Longteng Avenue)]; Longxingyuan (No. 292, Keyuan 6th Road); Yin Jiaping; Xinglong Bay [Huayu Fifth Ring Building (140, 141 Xinglong Bay)]; Youyi Road [Yimingyuan Community (No. 31 Youyi Road), Guohua Building (No. 63 Youyi Road), Chongyi Family Area (No. 1 Youyi Road)]; General Times Harbor Community (formerly General Crystal City) (No. 209 Longteng Avenue).

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Introduction to Yucai School of Chongqing High tech Zone

Chongqing High tech Industrial Development Zone Yucai School, referred to as "Chongqing High tech Yucai School" for short, is an old school with a long history, as well as a public school supported by the government, financial support and social concern. This is a young school in its prime. Because of the deep development of Chongqing's reform and innovation of the educational system, it has opened a new entrepreneurial journey. It is the collision of "new" and "old" that inspires the innovative wisdom and energy of high-tech talents in the era of reform and opening up. In the process of building the talent cultivation brand, the school adheres to the scientific development concept, inherits in innovation, and innovates in inheritance. History has given Yucai School a unique vision, and the times have given Yucai School a chance to take off. The school vigorously promotes the classroom, curriculum reform, and focuses on cultivating students' spirit of independent learning, independent management, and cooperative inquiry. In 2014 and 2015, the indicators of the middle school entrance examination ranked first in the district. The school has been awarded the district's advanced collective of education and teaching quality every year, which is a banner of junior high school education!

Facilities of Yucai School in Chongqing High tech Zone

Advanced hardware and first-class facilities According to the overall plan for the educational development of the High tech Zone, the High tech Yucai School is a modern large school that implements the nine-year consistent education model of compulsory education. [1] The school is close to the "Chongqing Olympic Sports Center", the Party School of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Chongqing Medical University. The school covers an area of 54 mu, with a building area of 38000 square meters. It has standard classrooms and auxiliary teaching rooms. The school has a playground of about 4000 square meters, a modern indoor stadium, and a green area of 6754 square meters. At the same time, the school has a student apartment that can accommodate 552 students and a student canteen that can meet the needs of students living on campus. The school has a beautiful environment and convenient transportation. There are rail transit stations, Longxin Station, Olympic Sports Station and Chenjiaping Station not far from the school gate.

Concept of Chongqing High tech Zone Yucai School

The School of Inheritance and Innovation of Learning from Tao, adhering to Tao Xingzhi's educational thought, aims to "teach thousands of people to seek truth and learn thousands of people to be true", and builds the spirit of a teacher by "holding one heart, not taking half a root of grass", and carries out the activity of learning from Tao. Teachers have been sent to participate in national ceramic research backbone training and national mental health education for many times. He has successively participated in the national key scientific research project "Experimental Research on Life Education Mode in Quality Education" during the Ninth Five Year Plan period, the key scientific research project "Modern Value of Tao Xingzhi's Educational Thoughts" in Chongqing during the Tenth Five Year Plan period, the key project of Chongqing "Cultivation of Xingzhi Classroom", the key project of Chongqing "Development of School based Teaching Materials for Practical Classroom" Chongqing's key project "Life and Mathematics" and other topics. The school is a member unit of the National Primary School Professional Committee of the China Ceramic Association, a national advanced collective for learning ceramics, and a school with national characteristics. This ship, which is advancing in the huge waves of reform and opening up, has already mustered enough sails to carry the weight of Tao Xingzhi's educational thought, and will certainly fight the waves and forge ahead in the course of nine-year schooling! Strengthen the management of teachers and students. The school implements the goal of a new education model "nine-year consistent education" actively advocated by the state into the school's "13th Five Year Development Plan". This is not only conducive to the sharing and integration of educational resources, but also allows children's primary and junior high school careers to achieve a perfect docking, fully reflecting the "1+1>2" effect.

Features of Chongqing High tech Zone Yucai School

The school teachers are national and municipal backbone teachers and special grade teachers who are open to recruitment nationwide. According to Tao Xingzhi's all-round creative education concept, they creatively introduce IS09001 quality management system; Creatively construct the performance management model; Creatively advocate the specialization system of class teacher work; Creatively create the "little man" independent management mode... All these have provided great impetus for the sustainable development of the school. Relying on the creation of a group of teachers with special skills, the school has gradually built a student-centered open education process based on students' independent practical activities. It has carried out a wide range of activities to create opportunities for students to develop their intelligence and display their personality. The school focuses on the big picture, starts from the small, and focuses on the cultivation of behavior habits. At the same time, At the same time, we will carry out a variety of campus cultural activities to broaden students' horizons, improve their quality, and cultivate their ability to lay the foundation for their all-round development. The school strictly implements the new curriculum standards, organizes teachers to actively study and practice the new curriculum reform concept, pays close attention to the construction of teachers, implements the continuing education work, has planned and effective school-based training, has a strong atmosphere of teaching and research, and significantly improves the overall professional skills of teachers

The school always regards the classroom as the main position to improve the teaching quality, adheres to the "six conscientiousness" of teaching management, adheres to the "six conscientiousness" of teachers' teaching, attaches importance to process management, attaches importance to passing the year, attaches importance to the connection between primary and secondary schools, and attaches importance to the integration of disciplines. In recent years, the teaching quality of the school has improved significantly, which has written a brilliant page for the education of Jiulongpo District. The idea of the school with distinctive Yucai brand characteristics is to carry out the reconstruction of the school's characteristic culture while inheriting the educational essence of the old headmaster Tao Xingzhi, strive to explore the diversified development of students, let the failure rate be zero, and strive to achieve the goal of 'educating students for nine years, affecting students' life'. Let the educators of the whole school also write the banner of life full of glory, so as to build a talent cultivation brand. Fundamentally improve the core competitiveness of the school, improve the social reputation of the school, truly endow Tao Xingzhi's educational thought with new era value, and form distinctive school running characteristics. Looking forward to the future, the school will strive to achieve a high starting point and start quickly; Acceleration, sudden development. So as to recast the Yucai brand and make greater contributions to promoting the high-quality and balanced development of education in Jiulongpo District.

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