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In 2022, Chongqing Fudan Middle School will increase its enrollment score

admin 2023-10-17 browse

In 2022, Chongqing Fudan Middle School will increase its enrollment score

Admission score: 644.5

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

School scale of Chongqing Fudan Middle School

According to the information on the school's official website in January 2016, Chongqing Fudan Middle School has two campuses, Kaixuan Campus and Zhuyuan Campus, covering an area of more than 70 mu, with 75 teaching classes (30 junior high schools and 45 senior high schools) and more than 3700 students. Among them, the Kaixuan Road campus of the school mainly focuses on day reading, supplemented by residential reading, and junior high school does not enroll residential students; Zhuyuan Campus has a junior high school department and a senior high school department, which only enrolls resident students and implements the closed management of all resident students.

School running achievements of Chongqing Fudan Middle School

In 2008, a student of the university was admitted to Peking University; In 2009, a student of the school won the first place of science students in Chongqing College Entrance Examination and was admitted by Peking University. As of 2014, there were more than 20 students admitted to Fudan University.

In the college entrance examination in 2016, 173 key undergraduate students of the university were online (including 150 naked students), with a online rate of 33%; In general, 459 undergraduate students are online, with an online rate of 81% and a total enrollment rate of 99.8%. Among them, the online rate of key undergraduate courses of Zhuyuan Branch is 63%, and the online rate of general undergraduate courses is 100%.

In the college entrance examination in 2015, 134 key undergraduate students were online (art students were not fully counted), and the online rate reached 25%; Generally, 376 undergraduate students are online, and the online rate is close to 70%; The overall online rate is 99.5%. Among them, the online rate of key undergraduate courses in Fudan class reached 100%, and the online rate of key undergraduate courses in branch campuses was close to 60%; There are 23 key undergraduate students on the campus (including one in parallel class); Generally, 184 undergraduate students are online, and the online rate exceeds 50%.

In the 2013 college entrance examination, the school had 707 references, 138 key undergraduate students were online, and the online rate was 19.5%; Generally, 429 undergraduate students are online, with the online rate of 60.7%; 694 junior college students went online, with a rate of 98.2%; Two students were admitted to Fudan University.

Quality Achievements of Chongqing Fudan Middle School

According to the information on the school's official website in January 2016, students' biological research learning achievements participated in the exhibition of the "Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Youth Science and Technology Festival". Students participated in various Olympic Games and won national awards for many times, and won the first prize in the National Robot Competition.

A senior 2011 student has many inventions, three of which have won national patents. He was named "Top Ten Middle School Students in Chongqing", and won the nomination award of the "Fifth Mayor Award for Science and Technology Innovation in Chongqing".

To measure how a high school is doing, it is not enough to just look at the school's annual high school entrance exam results. Students also need to look at the school's faculty, teaching conditions, school philosophy, etc. After you know the admission score line of the school, you should also analyze the results of your high school entrance examination to see how likely you are to apply for the school.

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