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In 2022, Chongqing No.37 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

admin 2023-10-17 browse

In 2022, Chongqing No.37 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

Admission score: 558 points

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Campus Activities of Chongqing No.37 Middle School

The Power of Walking - A Record of 2019 Hiking

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. On November 3, teachers and students of Grade 2019 of senior high school carried out a 37 km hiking activity, which is also a unique activity that the school organizes students to participate in every year.

In the morning, the students of March 7th started a day of hiking in the morning mist among green mountains, green waters, green trees and red flowers, accompanied by teachers of Grade 2 and some parents. Along the way, we walked along the field path with birds singing and flowers fragrance, and through the rugged and narrow unnamed path, we came to the well-known site of Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

There are towering steel furnaces, rusty national treasure level cultural relics steel rolling machines, figure sculptures repaired later, and creative steel sculptures with modern significance. The children marveled at the brilliance of Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and regretted its silence after its departure. Through all kinds of dusty objects, children seem to have arrived at Chonggang in the last century through time and space. Here is full of enthusiasm and meticulous steelmaking work. With sweat, the workers were reborn in the golden hot metal, and the new China was roaring in the dance of iron and steel...... The iron and steel art amazed the children. The children felt the precipitation of that eventful time and history, and experienced the rich and shocking Chinese iron and steel culture. Here, children move from inside to outside, feeling different classes.

After walking through the Chongqing Iron and Steel Cultural Heritage Park and stepping on the bluestone slab, the children came to Masangxi Ancient Town to feel the quiet and tranquil atmosphere and the unique charm of the ancient town, which is the unique charm of history and culture. Here, grade teacher Xie Kai made full use of the opportunity of hiking to explain the origin of Masangxi and Yidu culture, the rise and fall of Masangxi, and took the children through a history; When we arrived at Binjiang Road, Xie Kai reviewed the general situation of the Yangtze River with the children, analyzed the river landform, explored the location of Qiezixi Port, and combined the abstract geographical theory with the actual phenomenon to help students truly understand what they learned in class.

"The best education is on the way". Walking and investigating all the way, different hiking alleviates children's "pain". But in the afternoon, many children felt very tired and sleepy. After all, the 37 km continuous walk was a test of willpower, and the hardest part was the last two hours of the afternoon. At this time, the children were tired, hungry and sleepy. They knew that the destination was in front, but their feet were filled with lead. Every step was very difficult, which might be "half of the people who travel a hundred miles"! But at this time, the accompanying teachers and parents kept encouraging and cheering the children, encouraging them to persevere and not give up. Because there is no higher mountain than people and no longer road than feet. Finally, the children helped each other, encouraged each other, supported each other, relied on their will, and relied on their collective strength to complete the journey in sweat and joy.

General Secretary Xi said, "We are on the way to be young people in the new era.". Whether it is the way we walk, the way we grow, the way we struggle, the way we serve the country, the way we serve the people, we need to go down to earth.

The hiking enriched the children's life experience and cultivated their hard-working spirit. Hiking is not only an activity, but also brings us the expansion and extension of classroom knowledge, the tempering of will and the shaping of students' character. At the same time, through this activity, family school communication was strengthened, parents' attention to children was promoted, parents' and society's awareness of the education and teaching activities of No. 37 Middle School was also promoted, and the publicity of schools was increased.

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