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In 2022, Chongqing No. 29 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

admin 2023-10-17 browse

In 2022, Chongqing No. 29 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

Admission score: 629 points

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Teachers of Chongqing No. 29 Middle School

There are 138 national outstanding teachers, provincial outstanding principals, young and middle-aged experts, researchers, super teachers and senior teachers. The quality courses of young teachers have won the first prize of provincial and municipal awards for many times, and the school has won the first prize of school running evaluation for many times.

Moral Education in Chongqing No. 29 Middle School

Moral education is the core of implementing quality education, the foundation of building people and schools. Under a certain background of the times, the ability to establish the subjective framework and working ideas of school moral education, reflect its own advantages, solve its own problems, establish a relatively stable and effective operating mechanism, and form the characteristics of school moral education is an important symbol of the maturity of school moral education, and a reliable guarantee of the success of school moral education.

In the next few years, the moral education work should follow the Guidelines for the Implementation of Civic Moral Construction, scientifically standardize the specific content of moral education for students of different ages and at all stages of learning, adhere to the daily code of conduct, and strengthen the construction of school discipline and school spirit. Moral education should be infiltrated into all aspects of school education. We will strengthen education in physical education, American music, and labor technology in schools.

We will take the standardization of the basic work of school moral education and the creativity of characteristic work as the basic requirements of our work. Through school-based moral education research, moral education management, moral education practice and other aspects, we will establish a school moral education working mechanism with our own characteristics.

In the construction of the moral education working mechanism of our school, we should establish the concept of "integrity" and pool the joint efforts of educating people. Establish the overall operation mechanism of three interactions between school, family and society, the trinity of politics, class teacher and team, and the simultaneous development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor education, and strive to develop the moral education resources in Jiefangbei and Hongyan villages; The management, guidance, research and evaluation of moral education also constitute a whole, and the growth and development of students are regarded as a continuous whole. The construction of school-based moral education mechanism can only ensure that the mechanism plays its due role through overall understanding, overall design and overall promotion.

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