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In 2022, Chongqing No. 66 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

admin 2023-10-17 browse

In 2022, Chongqing No. 66 Middle School will increase its enrollment score at the beginning of the year

Admission score: 558 points

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Campus News of Chongqing No. 66 Middle School

On December 13, 2017, the history teaching and research activities of the district high school were held in No. 66 Middle School. Based on the new requirements for the history class in the context of the new college entrance examination and new curriculum standards, the theme of this district's teaching and research is "empirical seminar on historical methods and historical data", and teachers Chen Yuanyu and Zhang Junqing respectively undertake two seminars. Two history teachers and researchers in the district, Mr. Liu Zhimin, Mr. Zhou Quan, and history teachers in senior one and senior two of the district attended the lecture.

December 13 is the public memorial day of the Nanjing Massacre. Teacher Chen Yuanyu's topic is "historical data discrimination and truth pursuit - taking the Nanjing Massacre as an example". With "Japanese journalists accompanying the army" as the bright line and "classification of historical materials and identification of authenticity of historical materials" as the dark line, Mr. Chen interweaves two clues, one bright and one dark. In the narration, he asked students to analyze the differences between different forms of historical materials, such as written historical materials and graphic historical materials, and then, according to the different values of historical materials, told the differences between the first hand historical materials and the second hand historical materials and the accurate use of various historical materials. Finally, let the students have a discussion on the topic "Why should a reporter who should have insisted on authenticity and credibility report fake news?".

Teacher Zhang Junqing titled "Reconstructing history with the help of historical data - taking the poverty and weakness of the Song Dynasty as an example". In teaching, with the help of historical materials, he made a new attempt to reconstruct the argument of poverty and weakness in the Song Dynasty from two aspects of the argument and selection of the value of historical materials.

Although the time is short, both teachers made careful preparations before class, read a lot of books and video materials, and selected a large number of materials according to the needs of the course. The two lessons are very effective, pointing out the direction of history teaching in the new context. After class, the two teaching and research staff respectively commented on the two classes, fully affirmed the quality of the two teachers and their careful preparation for the course, and also analyzed the current severe form. The high school history teachers present felt that only their continuous progress can keep up with the pace of the development of the times, and not be submerged by the tide of reform.

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