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Enrolment Manual of Zhongshan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing in 2022

admin 2023-10-28 browse

Introduction to Zhongshan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Chongqing Yuzhong Zhongshan Primary School was renamed Chongqing Yuzhong Zhongshan Primary School in May 2006. In the process of comprehensively implementing quality education, comprehensively implementing the spirit of the new curriculum standards, and comprehensively promoting the process of education modernization, the school has made remarkable achievements in team quality, quality management, campus culture construction, education and teaching hardware configuration, etc. It is a high-quality school with strong comprehensive strength, high education quality, distinctive management and bright spots, which is satisfied by parents, society and superiors. It is a model school for parents in Chongqing, a model school for modern information technology, a model school for moral education in Chongqing, an advanced collective for basic curriculum reform, and a silver school for health promotion.

School scale of Zhongshan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

The school has always believed that "the quality of teachers is related to the quality of education and the quality of talents, and high-quality teachers are the prerequisite for cultivating high-quality talents!". The school has made great efforts to build a contingent of cadres and teachers, cultivating and bringing up a group of cadres with high quality, good thinking, management understanding and expertise, and cultivating and shaping a large number of teachers who are dedicated, highly professional, proficient in teaching and efficient.

The school has long adhered to the principle of "promoting the harmonious development of the school through scientific research". He has participated in the research of more than 20 national, municipal, district and school level scientific research projects, and has yielded fruitful results. For example, the sub project of the "Tenth Five Year Plan" project - "Empirical Research on the Comprehensive Improvement of Students' Quality by Excellent Films", "Building School based Curriculum Research by Using Excellent Film Resources", was unanimously praised by experts, and the expert group gladly awarded the "Excellent" grade.

Development Prospect of Zhongshan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

The school not only insists on both education and teaching! Moreover, it has increased the hardware investment, not only has first-class information technology equipment, but also has first-class sports facilities. In the use and management of hardware, we also pay special attention to giving full play to the function of environmental education, and strive to realize the greening, beautification, purification, and education of the campus environment, so as to organically combine management education, education, service education, and environmental education, and lay a good cultural and emotional foundation for cultivating a new generation of small citizens who are intelligent, loving, affectionate, and trustworthy.

The school has always adhered to the principle of "developing students, achieving teachers and brilliant career". Students have healthy and harmonious physical and mental development, good ideological quality, cultural quality, physical quality and good future citizen quality. Students have strong ability to actively explore, be willing to cooperate and communicate, and innovative practice. It was widely praised by the superior schools and all sectors of society!

Students of Zhongshan Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Three pairs of primary school graduates

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Chongqing Yuzhong District Zhongshan Primary School Contact Information

School address: 47 Weiwei Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Admission Office Tel: 023-88105649

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