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Enrolment Manual of Chongqing Jiulongpo District Yangshi Road Primary School in 2022

admin 2023-11-13 browse

Introduction to Yangshi Road Primary School, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Yangshilu Primary School is located at the side of Shipingqiao Mansion, the core area of Jiulongpo District, the main urban area of Chongqing. It is only a few hundred meters away from the Olympic Sports Center, Chongqing Medical University, and the Yangjiaping MIXC Business District. The transportation and life are convenient.

This is a school with beautiful environment. It has flowers and fruits all the year round. The campus has a strong cultural atmosphere. It is a model school for new schools in the district; This is a school with first-class hardware facilities. All ordinary classrooms and function rooms are equipped with advanced and complete facilities; This is a school praised by the community people. In 2017, parents' satisfaction ranked fourth among more than 70 primary and secondary schools in the region; This is a young school with harmonious teachers and students, warm campus and vibrant spirit; This is a simple school without dazzling honor and halo. "Let dreams illuminate the future" is our ideal and belief; This is a dedicated school. All teachers and students regard "on the road, we are down to earth" as their cultural beliefs and behavior; This is a warm school. All teachers regard cultivating students with "self-respect, self-confidence, openness and joy" as their eternal pursuit; This is a simple school. No matter what family background the students have, they will get fair care from the teachers here; This is a lively school, which builds personalized courses that follow the laws of children's physical, mental and educational development, and enriches childhood. This is the place where teachers and students pursue their dreams!

Enrollment target of Yangshi Road Primary School, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Children of the right age who have reached the age of 6 the previous year and meet the "three matching" enrollment conditions

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Contact information of Yangshi Road Primary School, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

School address: 51 Wuyi New Village, Shipingqiao, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

Admission Office Tel: 023-68676439

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