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Enrolment Manual of Jingu Village School of Nanquan Central Primary School in Banan District, Chongqing in 2022

admin 2023-11-18 browse

Introduction to Jingu Village School, Nanquan Central Primary School, Banan District, Chongqing

Nanquan Central Primary School was founded in 1906. In its more than 100 years of schooling, it has experienced the name changes of Yingshan Academy, Heping Primary School in Lujiao Township, Lujiao Primary School, No.1 Primary School in Lujiao Township, Lujiao Central Primary School in Banan District, Nanquan Central Primary School in Banan District, and Nanquan Central Primary School in Banan District.

The school adheres to the school running concept of "art enlightens wisdom, elegance and wisdom", and is committed to building a quality primary school with art education connotation. In recent ten years, the comprehensive school running supervision and assessment of the school has been rated as an excellent school in Banan District. The school has successively won the titles of Chongqing Model School of Civilized Etiquette, Chongqing Model School of Parents, Chongqing Safe and Civilized Campus, Chongqing Safe Campus, Banan District Advanced Collective of Teachers' Ethics and Ethics, Banan District Five Capabilities Qualified School, Banan District Advanced Collective of School Affairs Publicity, Banan District Model School of Moral Education, and Effective Classroom Test Base School. In the past five years, the teachers and students of the school have won 388 prizes in various national, municipal and district competitions. The school's characteristic experience has been reported in Chongqing TV Station, Banan TV Station, Banan Youth, Modern Workers' Daily, Chongqing Legal Daily, Western Development News, Banan Daily, Scientific Consultation, Friends of Language Learning and other publicity media.

Jingu Village School, Nanquan Central Primary School, Banan District, Chongqing

Children of the right age who have reached the age of 6 the previous year and meet the "three matching" enrollment conditions

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Contact Information of Jingu Village School, Nanquan Central Primary School, Banan District, Chongqing

School address: Taiping Mountain, Jingu Village, Jingu Village Committee, Nanquan Street, Banan District, Chongqing

Admission Office Tel: 023-66415133

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