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What is the contact number of Chongqing Furen Middle School Admissions Office

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When students apply for the university, they can check the contact information of the admission office of the university on the Internet. According to the telephone communication, students can get accurate and latest information about the university they want to know more about. When applying for the examination, because each student is in a different situation and doesn't know much about some doubts, it is suggested that you can go to the official website of the school to check the contact information of the school enrollment office, and ask the teachers of the school by phone.

Chongqing Furen Middle School Admissions Office Tel: (023) 62801329

Chongqing Furen Middle School emblem

Cultivate virtue, be sincere and help others


"Cultivating virtue and learning" originates from the Book of Changes - Qian. The full text is as follows: Confucius said, "A modest gentleman should be honest and faithful, so he should be virtuous; a rhetoric method should be honest, so he should be professional.". The meaning of "entering morality" is explained as follows: "A gentleman focuses on cultivating his moral character and improving his schoolwork." "Entering morality" is to cultivate his lofty thoughts and conduct, and to cultivate the prerequisite morality for a social person, which is also the foundation of adults. Virtue is a necessary condition for a man. The most basic moral standard is "love the motherland and be honest, be courteous and honest, be united and friendly, be frugal and self reliant, love the post and be dedicated to work". Confucius said, "It is my concern not to practice virtue, not to talk about learning, not to change what we have heard, and not to change what we have done wrong." People standing between heaven and earth must have both ability and virtue.

"Study" is another daily task in life. In the new economic era, professionals with pioneering and innovative spirit and practical skills are more needed. If we want to focus on the future society, we need to cherish opportunities, lay a solid foundation, compact professional skills, self-learning ability, develop innovative thinking ability, and improve comprehensive quality. Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation for building a harmonious society and our own concept of sustainable development.

"Sincerity" originates from the Book of Rites - The Doctrine of the Mean: "Only sincerity under the heaven, in order to be able to manage the world's great classics, establish the world's foundation, and know the world's education." Sincerity is unparalleled honesty and trustworthiness, which is the true essence of Confucian ideological and moral cultivation. Sincerity is the sage's self-study and the knowledge that keeps you constant<< The Book of Rites>>says, "Honesty means that those who succeed will retire. Honesty means that those who are honest will follow the way of others. Honesty means that those who are honest will not encourage others. Their appetite means that they will be satisfied with their appetite. They are frank and happy, and they are sages and sages. Honesty means that those who are honest will choose good and stick to their opinions."; It is a humanitarian law to ensure honesty and trustworthiness. People born with integrity do not have to be reluctant to treat others effectively, and do not need to think about appropriate language. Those who calmly follow the golden mean are sages. To ensure the integrity of people, we must select the best morality, and we must unswervingly implement it.

The word "Fu Ren" comes from the Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan: "Zeng Zi said: 'Gentlemen meet friends with literature, and use friends to supplement benevolence.'" That is to say, teachers should set an example for students by learning morality from the university. As the saying goes, "rhetoric is to build their integrity", which shows that the purpose of running Fu Ren Middle School is to be incomparable honest and trustworthy, to help others become useful, to help materials become benevolent, and finally to become not afraid, and to have both virtues, A wise man with an open mind in this world. Furen Middle School, in the current general environment of diversified cultural blend, diversified value conflict and diversified requirements selection, in the process of running a school for learning, regards respect for morality as the foundation of running a school, and regards sincerity and Furen as the way and destination of running a school, which is just a reflection of Confucianism and the return of the origin of culture and education.

If you are a student who is far away from school at home, you must choose to ask your parents to accompany you on the way to school. Since it is not safe to take the bus alone, you should not take too many things with you at the beginning to avoid losing them. When you go to school, you can immediately establish contact with college counselors.

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