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Is Chongqing Jihua Middle School public or private?

admin 2023-10-19 browse

Historical time of Chongqing and Huazhong School

Chongqing Jihuazhong School, founded in 1995, is close to Chongqing Jiangbei Airport. It is a high-end complete middle school jointly established by Yubei District Government, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Jinan University, and Huaqiao University. It is committed to dealing with the enrollment problems of children of immigrants from the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and children of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese in Chongqing. The school was named "Jihua Middle School" after the first words of Jinan University and Huaqiao University, and was written by Mr. Qian Wei, the father of modern mechanics in China, a world-famous expert and educator. It is a key middle school in Chongqing, a Chinese education base of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, a demonstration school of national basic education reform, an experimental base of educational research in Chongqing, a green school in Chongqing, and a school of German DSD education project.

Chongqing and Huazhong School

In the past ten years, colleges and universities have successively organized and participated in more than 40 research topics at the national, municipal, district and county levels, 14 research topics have won outstanding achievements in scientific research on education informatization in Chongqing, 2 collections of teachers' conference papers have been published, 3 monographs have been published, 260 teachers have won various national and district level competition awards, and more than 760 research papers have won outstanding achievements in scientific research at the municipal and district levels, 560 papers were published in various journals. It has successively won 168 honorable titles at the national, municipal, district and county levels, and won the first prize in the supervision and evaluation of school running quality in Yubei District for 16 years.

Hardware conditions of Chongqing and Huazhong School

The college is located on the bank of Shuanglong Lake in Yubei District, covering an area of more than 70 mu. The total area of the teaching building is 34200 square meters. The campus is green with grass and elegant environment. It is a "green school" in Yubei District. The school's teaching building, science and technology building, test building, student dormitory, and student dining room have complete functions and effective system zoning; Modern teaching equipment, such as electronic library, multi-purpose academic lecture hall, multimedia demonstration laboratory, intelligent broadcasting and hosting system software, monitoring system, network management center, class class communication, etc., are all available. The standard plastic 400m track and field stadium, four plastic basketball courts, two indoor volleyball training courts, one archery court, and two badminton courts are available.

Teachers of Chongqing and Central China School

At present, there are 69 teacher training classes with more than 4000 students and 289 teaching staff, including 123 junior high school researchers, high-end and intermediate teachers, urban level excellent teachers and excellent teachers. Foreign teachers: American and Canadian foreign teachers; German foreign teacher

Characteristics of Chongqing and Central China School

Adhering to the school running characteristics of "developing potential and individualizing development trend", the university has persevered in the overall development strategy of "1234", closely focused on one goal, highlighted two main tasks, strengthened three major initiatives, focused on four major construction, further improved the quality of education, significantly improved the overall strength of running the university, and achieved a more unique school running concept, which has consolidated the foundation, standardized Leapfrog development. In recent years, the scores of college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination ranked top three in our district, completing a new leap forward year by year. Yu Zhengrong, Yuan Qingsong and others were admitted to Peking University, Air Force Aviation University and other first-class universities in China, cultivating Zhou Xia, Bai Yanzhi, Huang Jinghan and other top scholars in liberal arts and science in our district, and transporting a large number of outstanding talents for socialist transformation. Men's volleyball, donkey hide gelatin, traditional martial arts, track and field sports, art education, robot production and other projects have won many honors in competitions throughout the country and provinces. 640 patents have been granted for high-tech innovation inventions in China, and 186 people have won the first prizes at the national and municipal levels in mathematics, physics, organic chemistry, English, and composition competitions.

The university has persevered in building a school with quality, and opened its school to the outside world, highlighting the characteristics of "combining cultural diversity and highlighting the essence of Chinese". The international cooperation standard is at the front end of the city's colleges and universities. Long term employment of foreign teachers from developed countries in the United States and Britain for oral English teaching, 8 teachers were sent to England and Germany for further training and Thailand to teach, and several teachers and students were sent to Australia, Japan and South Korea to exchange views and actively spread Chinese culture and art. In turn, it hosted 877 overseas Chinese teenagers and children in the summer (winter) camp of "China's Root Seeking Tour", 120 foreign students to experience Chinese culture and art activities, 345 foreign experts to visit the delegation for communication, exchange and investigation, 180 foreign excellent Chinese teachers to exchange and browse, and established friendly exchanges with 9 foreign schools, It has organized extensive cooperation and exchanges with 56 Chinese language education base demonstration schools in 22 countries and regions, 11 British Chinese language schools and one famous school in Thailand, showing the overall image of Chongqing's education opening to the outside world.

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