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What is the contact number of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-19 browse

After students and their parents have mastered the school's enrollment regulations, they may already know the phone number of the school's enrollment office, but some students' parents are likely to know, but they are not sure whether it is true, and they are afraid of making hasty phone calls. Today, we collected the contact information and school address of the enrollment office of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School for students to master. Students with objections and their parents can feel free to call the teacher of the enrollment office to ask for relevant questions.

Enrollment Office of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School Tel: 023-67453617

Address of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School: 207 Baosheng Avenue, Modern Agricultural Park, Yubei District, Chongqing

Teachers of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School

The college has an elite faculty. First, it was announced that the elite of Chinese culture and education constitute the backbone of the recruitment campaign. They have rich teaching experience and outstanding teaching performance. Most of the teachers are excellent class teachers in the urban area and first prize winners of the competition class; Second, six master's students from key universities such as Beijing Normal University and a large number of outstanding fresh graduates were selected to form a new talent in the teaching world; The third is to mobilize outstanding party members and cadres from key high schools (Yubei, Jihua, Songshuqiao) in the region to establish a marketing team.

Introduction to Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School

Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School is a new star in the education field of Yubei. In 2009, Yubei District persistently implemented the development strategy of "prospering the district through science and technology education", deeply promoted the basic construction of "characteristic education strong district", relied on the regional advantages of "Liangjiang New Service", spent 148 million yuan to recover the property of running Sichuan Foreign Language Bilingual School, and Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School was outstanding. The Chongqing Municipal Education Commission's "Approval for the Opening of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School" (YJJ [2010] No. 9 document) determined that Liangjiang Middle School is a public full-time high school.

School Education Concept of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School

In accordance with the education policy of "Three Faces", the university "follows a unique path and runs a first-class famous university", respects the school running characteristics of "tea Zen, virtue and learning", unswervingly strengthens modern education theory, takes the path of meaningful development, implements "diversified teaching" and small class teaching, and improves the normalization of "building soul and roots", Liangjiang Middle School was successfully promoted to Chongqing Key High School.

The school is located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River. The two rivers have achieved the splendid civilization of Chongqing Bayu for thousands of years and created a large number of outstanding talents who are "good for the world". At the reach of the two rivers, "simple folk customs and good customs still exist" is the cultural context of this location.

The self founded school, with the help of the strong cultural precipitation of the Liangjiang River, follows the intelligent education concept of "Three Faces", takes the road of connotation development, creates "small class teaching" and "dynamic classroom teaching", gives students sufficient development trend personalization, improves personal quality in an all-round way and gives resource advantages. Therefore, based on "kindness" and based on "benevolence" cultural education, the school highlights the shaping of "virtue", attaches importance to the exploration of the connotation of "good culture", and has been carrying out and inheriting the spiritual essence of "good culture" of "tea Zen, virtue and learning"; We have been pursuing the goal of "good culture" to perfect "good campus"; We have always adhered to the "good culture" training plan of "being kind, saying good, promoting good and being good to people in the world".

Effectiveness of Liangjiang Middle School in Chongqing

In 2016, it was organized by Chongqing Sports Bureau and organized by Chongqing Tennis Association. A total of 30 teams from junior high schools, county and district sports colleges, clubs and other teams participated in the competition. The members of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School fought hard against their rivals. Finally, they won the gold medal in Group A women's singles, the gold medal in Group A women's doubles, the gold medal in Group A men's doubles, the medal in Group A men's singles, the medal in Group A women's doubles, the medal in Group A women's doubles, the fifth place in Group C women's singles, the sixth place in Group A men's singles, and the sixth place in Group A women's singles The eighth place in Group A women's singles.

Students can learn about the enrollment telephone number and relevant information of Chongqing Liangjiang Middle School. Although the children's scores in the middle school entrance examination are an important indicator for selecting ordinary high schools, I hope that the students can treat them with a normal attitude and play their normal role in the examination room without excessive anxiety and anxiety, so as to avoid having an impact on themselves. Even if the final test is wrong and the conclusion is not ideal, I hope that the students can adjust their mentality and face it head-on.

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