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What is the contact number of Chongqing Yubei Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-19 browse

Before enrolling in the school, students are advised to look at other schools, so that when they fully understand the school, they can call the enrollment office of the school. Each region has its own enrollment office phone, and naturally Chongqing Yubei Middle School is no exception. In that way, the editor of our website will take you to look at the enrollment phone number and detailed address of Chongqing Yubei Middle School for students' reference.

Chongqing Yubei Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-67823399

Detailed address of Chongqing Yubei Middle School: 888 Taoyuan Avenue, Airport Industrial Park, Yubei District, Chongqing

Introduction to Chongqing Yubei Middle School

As of November 2012, the university has successively won the titles of Chongqing Key Secondary School, Chongqing Model High School Establishment School, Chongqing Civilized Campus Model, Education Demonstration Base with Chinese Characteristics, National Education Informatization Famous Universities, National Education Quality Management Demonstration Base, Top 100 Model Schools of Chinese School Culture Construction, Innovative Education Experimental School of the Central Institute of Education and Science China's demonstration unit of teacher ethics basic construction, the national demonstration unit of education and scientific research, the standardized examination points for college entrance examination all over the country, the national pilot school of cultivating sports reserve talents, the first batch of high school joint enrollment schools in Chongqing, the first batch of civilized campus construction first school in Chongqing, the Chongqing Model School of Civilized Etiquette, the advanced unit of honest, trustworthy and civilized behavior in Chongqing Chongqing Moral Education Demonstration School, Chongqing Information Technology Demonstration School, Chongqing Sports Traditional School, Chongqing Democratic Management Demonstration School, Southwest Normal University Quality Education Experimental Base, Chongqing Education and Scientific Research Experimental Base, Chongqing "Scholarly Chongqing Harmonious Education" Demonstration School, Chongqing Health and Health Promotion School, Chongqing Overseas Study Talent Selection Base Chengdu Military Region National Defense Student Source Base, Chongqing Reading and Education Demonstration School, Chongqing Excellent School of Physical Education Teaching Routine in Primary and Secondary Schools, Chongqing Outstanding Home School Cooperation, and Chongqing's Breakthrough Famous Universities that endanger Chongqing's culture and education.

Facilities of Chongqing Yubei Middle School

All equipment in the new campus are configured according to the standard of the demonstration high school. The campus network that permeates every corner fully shows the excellence of teaching methods; The 30 books and 600 computers in the Image and Text Information Center bring students knowledge and magnificence; There are 34 laboratories in the first-class experimental building with machinery and equipment; A standard stadium for holding national level sports competitions, with nearly 6000 infield seats; The warm and comfortable student dormitory can accommodate 4000 students; A healthy and safe student food service station can ensure students' dining needs and all-round health and nutrition

Chongqing Yubei Middle School Extended Reading

In 2014, Huang Lu, a teacher of the school, participated in the "2014 Junior High School Information Technology Teachers' Basic Skills Competition" and won the first prize at the municipal level; Teacher Ni Xiaoyan won the first prize of Yubei District class meeting lecture script. Gao Shufen, a teacher, won the first prize at the county level in Yubei District's ninth grade chemistry quality class video contest; Zeng Yongli won the second prize of "2014 Chongqing Junior Middle School Chinese Young Teachers Text Interpretation Competition" at the municipal level; Teacher Yang Mingfen won the second prize in Yubei District Civil Air Defense Professional Knowledge Quality Course Video Competition; In the 2014 Yubei District High School Discipline Excellence Course Case Contest, 19 teachers including Zha Yanhong won the first prize.

Nearly 100 teachers participated in the "Evaluation of Excellent Teaching Design under the Condition of Informatization Management of Primary and Secondary Schools in the 2014-2015 School Year in Yubei District", and three teachers including Zhang Junling won the first prize. Five teachers, including Tian Yanhong, Gong Zifen, Xing Kunrong, Li Dezhi and Zeng Yongli, were selected as the seventh batch of municipal backbone teachers in Chongqing. Twenty one teachers including Liu Yongzhong were selected as outstanding teachers at the county level in the primary and secondary school districts of Yubei District. Ni Xiaoyan's "green leaf culture leads the collective healthy and happy growth of the class" means that the school's teachers won the first prize for participating in the "historical and humanistic campus website" in Yubei District. In November 2015, Huang Lu, the teacher of the school, won the first prize in the fourth video exhibition and evaluation contest of information technology quality courses for junior high schools across the country. In the Organic Chemistry Story Contest of the Yubei District Organic Chemistry Quality Course Video Series, the school's teachers Luo Dan and Liu Xiaoyan won the first prize of the district; Chang Qian won the second prize of the district; Liu Shiyao, Laiqiu Pavilion, Cao Dinghong, Wu Jiadi and Gaoshan Xuemei won the third prize.

When junior high schools and colleges are finished, they all want to go to a good high school to study. The first thing we see after the exam is the exam results, and the most important thing in the college entrance exam is just the exam scores. Students work hard to get into a good school in order to get into a good school in the future. Only when their academic performance is good, can we recognize that the school is good, so the teaching level is the most important.

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