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What is the contact number of Chongqing Banan Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-19 browse

The contact number of the enrollment office of Banan Middle School in Chongqing this year. Nowadays, there are many high schools in various places. Thinking is a must for all students. It is also very important for students to apply for the college entrance examination. When students apply for the college entrance examination, they can go to the network to inquire about the contact number of the enrollment office of their college entrance examination in advance, so as to better understand some information about the school. Students and parents can also make plans early, You can apply for the college you like.

Chongqing Banan Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-62863719

Chongqing Banan Middle School

Banan Middle School is located at 2346 Longzhou Avenue, Lijiatuo, Banan District. It was founded in 1904 and is a combination of the original Chongqing No. 10 Middle School and No. 34 Middle School. In April 2012, he was awarded the title of "Chongqing Key High School" by Chongqing Municipal People's Government.

The college covers an area of 128 mu, with a green area of 12112 square meters, a total area of 48665 square meters of teaching buildings, and a standardized 400m plastic playground. The college library has more than 80000 books and more than 30000 electronic books. The contemporary educational equipment of the college is well selected, the campus network is built, and the "class to class" is configured, and the office conditions education and teaching equipment is intelligent. The music classroom, art room, physique training room, computer room, general technology classroom, physical, chemical and biological laboratory and other laboratories in the comprehensive science and technology building are fully equipped.

At present, the college has 65 teacher training classes and more than 3200 students. There are 272 in-service teachers and staff, including 6 municipal excellent head teachers, 6 municipal key teachers, 3 district and county leaders, 47 district and county excellent teachers, 54 senior middle school teachers, and 21 teachers with graduate degrees.

The school takes "educating responsible people" as its school running feature, takes "responsibility education" as its school running concept, implements lean management, attaches importance to students' cultivation education, improves teachers' team, deepens curriculum reform, improves education quality year after year, and gradually shows the characteristics of "responsibility education".

1、 Building "341" Green Ecological Classroom Teaching Mode

In order to comprehensively carry out ideological and moral education and promote classroom teaching reform, the college has actively created the "341 ecological classroom" teaching method, which constitutes a relatively standardized "341 ecological classroom" teaching steps. Since 5 years of implementation, teachers' teaching mode and students' learning methods have changed considerably, and students' learning interest has increased. The college was also selected as "Chongqing High School New Curriculum Reform and Innovation Model College".

2、 Create a famous brand with the characteristics of "responsibility education"

The school takes "responsibility education" as the school running concept, and takes "seven stresses" (stressing obligations for oneself, family, others, groups, natural environment, social development, and the Chinese nation) as the breakthrough point to stimulate students' sense of responsibility. Since the implementation of the "Seven Lectures", the actual effect has been very obvious. Most students have developed good behavior habits and can be transformed into an active personal behavior.

3、 Highlight the flash of psychological education

The school of mental health education is equipped with a more professional team of teachers. The hardware conditions are among the best in our city's primary and secondary schools. There are 300 square meters of office space, including office space, reading area, psychological testing area, students' file warehouse, sand table model activity place, personal psychological consultation room, emotional catharsis room, team counseling room Music relaxation room and other complete functional rooms. The school is the only school in Banan District that has been strongly recommended to participate in the selection of "Chongqing School with Mental Health Characteristics".

4、 Grasp the special activities of sports and arts associations

Colleges and universities have paid close attention to sports and arts featured activities and achieved remarkable results. The youth sports club team was elected as a municipal sports club in 2013. The students achieved excellent results in municipal and district sports competitions, among which the women's football team won the second place in Group A of Chongqing Women's Football Open, and 7 women's football players were selected as first-class athletes in China; The line dance competition won the first prize of the national middle school group and the first prize of Chongqing; The cheerleading competition won the second prize in Chongqing. At present, universities are applying for advanced schools in line dance marketing and promotion all over the country. The college attaches great importance to the construction of school associations. At this stage, the school has nearly 20 community activities. All community activities regularly carry out various theme activities, and students actively participate in them.

Schools are different. The way and situation of running schools are also different. When facing many schools, we must not be confused. We should think carefully and clearly. The article is the introduction of the contact information of the enrollment office of Chongqing Banan Middle School, which is sorted out by our teachers. I hope everyone can find the school you like.

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