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What is the contact number of Chongqing Yucai Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-19 browse

When students apply for the university, they can check the contact number of the admissions office of the university on the Internet. According to the telephone communication, students can get accurate and latest information about the university they want to know more about. Because each student is in a different situation and doesn't know much about some doubts, it is suggested that you can go to the official website of the school to check the contact number of the school enrollment office, and consult the teachers of the school according to the telephone method.

Chongqing Yucai Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-86051111, 86052356, 68660284

Chongqing Yucai Middle School has abundant teachers and first-class quality

The teaching process of Tao Xingzhi's founding of the school has given everyone an important inspiration: we must take the road of meaning development, the road of characteristic development, the road of daily life education, strive to improve the quality of college education, improve the well-known brand of Yucai Middle School, and improve the happiness of school staff.

Adhering to this school running feature, colleges and universities attach great importance to the shaping of teachers, have the courage to explore and summarize the team management mechanism and experience, and the construction of the teaching staff shows a good trend. Chongqing Yucai Middle School has a large number of funded teachers.

Among the more than 400 full-time teachers, there are one authoritative expert enjoying the State Council subsidy, two excellent teachers in Chongqing, one of the first group of discipline leaders in Chongqing, one young authoritative expert with outstanding contributions in Chongqing, 12 junior high school researchers and excellent teachers, 134 special grade teachers, and 42 municipal backbone teachers. In recent years, more than 20 teachers from the colleges and universities successively participated in the national discipline competitions and won the first prize or the first prize on behalf of Chongqing. Excellent teacher team becomes the basic premise for the sustainable development of colleges and universities.

The education and teaching quality of Yucai Middle School in Chongqing has always been among the first-class standards in Chongqing. Since the National College Entrance Examination in China, the colleges and universities have successively cultivated seven top students in the national college entrance examination, including Zhang He, Liao Xing, Ding Chunxia, Xia Kui, Peng Mengkang, Zhu Zukun and Ao Gang. The admission rate of famous universities is at the forefront of our city. More than one hundred students won the first and second prizes in the Olympic Games in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and informatics.

Chongqing Yucai Middle School's comprehensive education features prominently

Chongqing Yucai Middle School inherits and carries forward Tao Xingzhi's educational concept, and makes every effort to "live and practice" in ideological and moral education, which constitutes the school running concept of "life and practice". As a national sports traditional project school and an institution designated by Chongqing to recruit art students, the college men's volleyball team has been the champion of the Chongqing Primary and Middle School Students' Men's Volleyball Competition for 16 consecutive times, which means that Chongqing will go to Japan for youth sports communication and exchange.

The Academy Academic Research Dance Troupe was awarded the title of "Chongqing Student Art Troupe Instrumental Music Troupe and Dance Troupe" by the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission. Its self edited and self performed variety show "Three Gorges New School Our Home" won the special prize of the first youth culture and art festival across the country, and was invited to report to the Great Hall of the People for performance.

This is the enrollment office telephone and other information compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. Students can support more. You can actually consult the teachers of the school through the classified contact numbers, so that you can obtain detailed admission information, such as the school's enrollment conditions, enrollment results, etc. In recent years, the school has a good reputation for running a school in society, and students with suitable conditions can care as much as possible.

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