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What is the contact number of the enrollment office of Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School

admin 2023-10-19 browse

When students master the school, if there are areas that they do not understand, they can contact the teacher's phone of the college admission office. Because many relevant information is not comprehensive if they retrieve it on the network, and there are also many schools' current policies or students in other places that they cannot master, so they have to contact the teacher's phone of the admission office to master the overall situation of the school, This is also more so.

Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-88716333

Teaching Features of Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School

The happy and happy teaching characteristics of the college have been highly concerned and reported by CCTV, China Education News, China Business News and other news media, and have been included in the teaching materials as a teaching design by the Central Radio and Television University.

Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School Scholarship Award

Those with excellent scores in the middle school entrance examination and poor families who go to Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School can apply for financial aid or receive the "Happy Growth National Financial Aid" (the college sets up academic scholarships of more than 200000 yuan each year to reward students who are diligent and eager to learn); One of 25 national key universities, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University and Chongqing University, will be awarded the "Tian Jiabing Award" by the Hong Kong Tian Jiabing Education Foundation and the corresponding academic scholarship.

Achievements of Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School

Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School, founded in 1954, is divided into A and B2 teaching areas. Formerly known as Chongqing No. 35 Middle School, it was one of the designated senior high schools in Sichuan Province, and has high influence and popularity in the city.

In 1963, Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School was the first, second and third place in science and engineering in Sichuan Province. A large number of outstanding students, such as the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team of the university, the Women's Football Team, the third place of Chongqing, and the top man in arts in the district, Pu Xuemei, have been admitted to Nanjing University, Beijing Normal University and other famous universities in China by themselves.

Well known alumni: Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School, Peng Zhong, who once trained the first "Five Tiger General" to study abroad, Professor Li Anmin, an expert professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (the top student in the science department of Sichuan College Entrance Examination of Grade 63 of Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School), Qu Chasi, a famous calligrapher, Mo Huaiqi, Huang Yuexun, a bridge expert of China, and Guo Yuanxi, an economist, Zhang Lihui, a famous singer, and Pan Youyan, a well-known musician in Japan, are among a large number of outstanding talents. As early as 1963, Chongqing Tianjiabing Middle School was the first, second and third place student in science and engineering in Sichuan Province.

Here, Peng Zhong, who was the first "Five Tiger Generals" to study abroad, Professor Li Anmin, an expert professor of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 1 in science in Sichuan College Entrance Examination, Grade 63, Tianjiabing Middle School, Chongqing), Qu Qisi, a famous calligrapher, Mo Huaiqi, Huang Yuexun, a bridge expert in China, Guo Yuanxi, an economist, and Zhang Lihui, a famous singer, A large number of outstanding talents such as Pan Youyan, who has become popular in the Japanese music world.

If students are in any area that they don't understand, they can call the teacher's phone above. They can understand all aspects of the school's situation. Nowadays, there are many wrong or incomplete data on the Internet. If you contact the teacher of the admissions office to master it, you can not only master the school's situation comprehensively, but also know the authenticity of the information content, So it is still a good method.

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