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Where is the address of Chongqing Nan'an Chayuan New Town Junior High School?

admin 2023-11-10 browse

Most people seldom notice that the geographical location of the school is also very important for students' study and life. Before going to school, we must first know whether the traffic near the school is convenient and whether the surrounding environment is noisy. In addition, the internal environment of the school will also affect the learning atmosphere. A comfortable environment can make people feel happy.

Address of Chayuan Xincheng Junior Middle School, Nan'an District, Chongqing: No. 4, Chayuan Xingtang Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing

The study life is tense, and the geographical location of the school will directly affect the commuting time. In order to enable students to better adapt to the school and not spend time on the road, students should choose a school that is close to home and has convenient transportation. At the same time, students should note that the address of each branch campus of the school may be different, and they should confirm in advance before registering.

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