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How about Chongqing Daojiao Middle School? OK or not?

admin 2023-11-10 browse

The standard of a good school is not uniform, but in the eyes of many parents, as long as this school can improve the performance and ability of its children, and create a good three outlook, it will be a good high school. There is such a need to take a holistic view of the school's teaching quality and school discipline. Parents should pay more attention to these two aspects when choosing schools.  

Introduction to Chongqing Daojiao Middle School

Chongqing Daojiao Middle School, founded in 1958, is a middle school directly under the Education Commission of Banan District. The school is located on the bank of the Yangtze River, next to the upper boundary highway, in the center of the Longzhouwan Development Zone, with convenient transportation and elegant environment. The school has scientific and standardized management, advanced facilities and equipment, and strong teaching staff. Adhering to the school motto of "erudite and truth seeking", the school spirit of "diligence, enterprising, harmony and innovation", and the school tenet of "creating a better future for each student", the school has formed a unique cultural atmosphere of "happy, harmonious and healthy" Daojiao Middle School of "serving others well".

Chongqing Daojiao Middle School carries the ardent expectations of leaders at all levels and local people, and always takes running education to the satisfaction of the people as the starting point and focus of all work. They adhere to the school motto of "erudite and truth seeking", the school spirit of "diligence, progress, harmony and innovation", and the school purpose of "creating a bright future for every student", and have established "standardized construction and standardized management" Our school running mode has formed a cultural atmosphere of "civilized campus, scholarly campus, happy campus, harmonious campus" and created a "happy, harmonious and healthy" campus life.

"Civilized campus" means to be civilized, polite, establish new trends, and have lofty interests; The "scholarly campus" is to actively spread traditional Chinese culture, so that students want to learn, will learn, and learn well; "Happy campus" is to create a happy environment according to the law of students' physical and mental development and the law of education and teaching, so that students can enjoy learning, learn and learn, and promote all-round development; "Harmonious campus" is a lively and orderly, independent development, mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, mutual cooperation, and harmonious development. It is in essence a spiritual and cultural construction, a project to unite people's hearts, and the highest level of quality education that Daojiao Middle School teachers and students pursue together. In short, the "four parks construction" is the overall concept of the development of Daojiao Middle School, and also the basic blueprint for the development of the school.

In the education and teaching management, the school has always guided the overall situation with the scientific outlook on development, paid attention to the scientific, democratic and refined management, and insisted on the principle of combining institutionalization with human culture. The development of the school highlights one theme: adhere to quality education, that is, face all students, promote their all-round development, run quality education through all aspects of school education, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. To achieve two goals: to coordinate the balanced development of school education and promote educational fairness; We will comprehensively improve the quality of education and cultivate a new type of high-quality junior high school education with good taste. We will focus on five major tasks: teaching management, team building, moral education, cultural development, and service quality.

In the management of teaching, research and scientific research, the school has always adhered to the concept of "revitalizing the school through scientific research, revitalizing education through scientific research", set up an education and scientific research management department, formulated the Regulations on Education and Scientific Research Work, organized lectures on relevant education and teaching concepts, constantly improved the quality of teaching, research and scientific research, promoted the development of education and teaching, and promoted the comprehensive implementation of quality education. In recent years, the school has municipal scientific research projects - "Research on the Strategy of Urban and Rural" Teaching Research Interaction ", district scientific research projects -" Education of Junior High School Students' Sense of Responsibility "and four school level scientific research projects, and teachers have published more than 60 papers.

The teachers of Daojiao Middle School promise that they are politically firm, ideologically competent, professionally skilled, morally noble, proficient in teaching, diligent in educating people, and highly innovative. Students promise: civilized language, standard behavior, correct appearance, beautiful soul, hard work, steadfastness and self-improvement.

For students, whether the school is good or bad depends on whether the three years you spent in that school were happy, meaningful, and whether you can remember the past with a smile in a few years. No matter what kind of school you go to, students should study hard to improve themselves and experience school life by heart.

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