The school address is a very important factor in determining the target school. If the school is close to home, it can save children more than one hour of time on the road every day. Three years later, it is a very large amount of time. This time used for learning and sleeping will have a great impact on children's growth, even if it is used for playing is more cost-effective than wasting on the road.
Address of Chongqing Renhe Middle School: No. 80, Banshan 1st Village, Zhongliang Mountain, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing
If the school address is far away from home, some parents may have to drive their children to and from school, which will delay not only the children's time, but the time of a family. Renting a house near the school is also one of the ways that many parents consider, which can be done when the economy is affordable. If you do not choose to live on campus, it is not recommended to choose a school that is too far away.
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