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What is the contact number of the enrollment office of Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Chongqing 18th Middle School

admin 2023-11-07 browse

When students apply for the university, they can check the contact number of the admissions office of the university on the Internet. According to the telephone communication, students can get accurate and latest information about the university they want to know more about. When applying for the examination, because each student is in a different situation and doesn't know much about some doubts, it is suggested that you can go to the official website of the school to check the contact number of the school enrollment office, and ask the teachers of the school according to the telephone method.

Enrollment Office of Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Chongqing 18th Middle School Tel: 023-67581661

Introduction to Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Chongqing 18th Middle School

"Wise people like Leshan and benevolent people like water", Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Chongqing No. 18 Middle School, with iron mountain as its screen and two rivers as its belt, is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and gradually grows into a new regional cultural coordinate of Yufu Industrial Park in Liangjiang New Area.  

Our school is a high school built by Jiangbei District with an investment of 200 million yuan, which is in line with the high-speed development situation of Liangjiang New Area. The school accurately grasps the advantage of latecomers and successfully locks the development opportunity with "high station, high standard and high development". It gradually presents the university atmosphere of elegant environment, complete facilities, simple teaching style, strong learning style and rich humanities.  

The splendor of things originates from Tianbao, and the outstanding people still rely on the spirits of the earth. The school has 60 teaching classes, with a total construction area of about 40000 square meters. The building zoning is scientific, the layout is ingenious, and the ingenuity is unique. The dignified administration building, lofty teaching building, colorful complex building, Yiyi dormitory building, standard stadium, and colorful leisure places are all full of modern flavor and cultural charm. They are a paradise for students to seek knowledge and grow and an ideal world to fly. The school has first-class school running hardware, modern student apartments, electronic management library, indoor basketball hall, indoor constant temperature swimming pool, multi-function lecture hall, etc., and functional classrooms such as laboratories, inquiry rooms, computer rooms, recording and broadcasting rooms, art rooms, music rooms, fitness rooms, etc. are complete and equipped with advanced equipment.  

The scale of school running has steadily increased, the efficiency of school running has become increasingly prominent, and the connotation development has become the foundation. The school launched the strategy of "strengthening teachers and schools" and actively built a platform for teacher growth. Among the teachers, there is one expert who enjoys the special allowance of the State Council, one special grade teacher, one national hundred famous moral education research teachers, one national excellent teacher, one national high school student chemistry outstanding contribution award, two excellent teachers in Chongqing, more than 18 urban backbone teachers, and many of them have won the "Chongqing Moral Education Advanced Individual" , "Chongqing Excellent Head Teacher", "Jiangbei District Excellent Head Teacher", "Jiangbei District Excellent Communist Party Member" and other honorary titles. The school carried out the strategy of "developing students' core literacy", and the achievements of the high school and college entrance examination were all the way to success; Curriculum reform is in full swing, among which New Horizon of Economy has been rated as an excellent elective course in Chongqing; Classroom reform is in the ascendant, and the Research on the Implementation of Smart Classrooms under the Direction of Core Literacy has successfully applied for municipal projects; The traditional virtue education practice of "kindness, filial piety, honesty, courtesy, and harmony" under the guidance of "socialist core values" has become the highlight of moral education.  

The school will adhere to the school running idea of "respecting individuality, people-oriented, scientific management, high quality and efficiency, peace and harmony" and the educational concept of "harmony, harmony, harmony and harmony", Embrace the school running pursuit of "education with soul and achievement of high-quality and tasteful schools in Liangjiang New Area", gather strength, forge ahead, and make the education brand of freshmen in Liangjiang Experimental Middle School of Chongqing 18th Middle School bigger and stronger.

When selecting schools, students can go to the network to inquire about the contact number of the admissions office of their university in advance, so as to better understand some information about the school. Students and parents can also make early plans to apply for the university you like. Finally, I wish you all can apply for your favorite ordinary high school.

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