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Is Renmin Road Primary School in Yuzhong District of Chongqing public or private?

admin 2023-11-19 browse

Introduction to Renmin Road Primary School, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Renmin Road Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, referred to as "Renmin Road Primary School", is located at the crossroads of Renhe Street, Daxigou, with its back to Jialing River, covering an area of more than 4.3 mu. At present, there are 50 in-service teaching staff and more than 878 students. It is a long history school. In recent years, especially since Comrade Lu Jiyu became the principal, the school has made rapid development in all aspects.

Teaching equipment of Renmin Road Primary School, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Renmin Road Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, with the strong support of the District Education Committee and its own efforts, has improved the teaching buildings and equipment, beautified the campus, opened the campus television broadcasting system, connected to the MAN, opened class connections, added multi-purpose classrooms, installed projectors for the three classes in Grade One, and added teachers' electronic reading rooms, The office is also equipped with computers, and the proportion of students using computers has reached 16:1 (one computer for one person is guaranteed). These improvements have laid a material foundation for the implementation of the school running concept.

Teachers of Renmin Road Primary School, Yuzhong District, Chongqing

The software construction of the school has also been carried out in an orderly manner. With the goal of improving the level and quality of education and teaching, we have increased the construction of teaching staff and accelerated the pace of new curriculum reform. The school has never relaxed the construction of the teaching staff. Every year, it has targeted a series of training for young teachers, such as class teacher, teaching routine training, teaching research training, education and teaching practice ability training, so that teachers can adapt to the school's education and teaching requirements in the new curriculum reform, and promote the rapid growth of young teachers. At the same time, the school also organizes teachers to go out to study and listen to the latest theoretical information and exchange the latest educational achievements. After training, the theoretical literacy of all teachers has been generally enhanced.

Teaching Concept of Renmin Road Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

"Both learning and creation are capable, and both body and mind are healthy", thinking about students' thoughts and anxieties everywhere. A series of effective measures have been taken. Taking "participatory moral education" as the moral education method, "improving classroom efficiency and reducing students' burden" as the teaching method, "everyone talks about safety, and every family protects safety" as the core of safety work, and putting students' safety first in school work. Promote the all-round development of students. The students have achieved satisfactory results in all aspects. In the past year, students have won more than 126 honors above the school level. A series of measures have promoted the common progress of teachers and students and improved the popularity of the school. The influence of Renmin Road teachers and students in Yuzhong District has been enhanced, and the quality of teachers and students has also been strengthened. Renmin Road Primary School is getting better and better.

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