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Is Gulou Renhejie Primary School in Yuzhong District of Chongqing public or private?

admin 2023-11-19 browse

Introduction to Gulou Renhejie Primary School in Yuzhong District, Chongqing

Renhe Street Campus covers an area of 22 mu, with 42 teaching classes; The affiliated kindergarten covers an area of 3 mu, with 6 teaching classes; Chongqing Tiandi Renhe Street Primary School, jointly established with Chongqing Rui'an Real Estate Development Company, covers an area of 40 mu and has 32 teaching classes; Renhe Chang'an Kindergarten, jointly founded with Chongqing Chang'an Real Estate Company, covers an area of 6 mu and has 8 teaching classes. There are nearly 4000 teachers and students in the school.

The school takes "harmony as the soul and harmonious education" as the school running philosophy, and "integration of the two rivers and education of people" as the campus theme culture. It is committed to realizing the educational ideal of "enjoying people and education, laying the foundation for a happy life".

Through inheriting people and traditional culture, the school has established the curriculum goal of "cultivating teenagers with people and characteristics in an all-round and harmonious development", and systematically constructed the curriculum system of "human harmony and six qualities": six curriculum groups of harmony, morality, harmony, harmony, beauty and harmony, opened 85 school-based courses, and compiled 17 school-based curriculum series. Through the implementation of harmony class, a teaching, research and evaluation system consistent with the school-based curriculum development and implementation is established to achieve the integrated development of culture, curriculum and classroom, forming a three-dimensional school running feature of "people and education".

The school has formed a teacher culture of "living in Confucian elegance, being upright and learning highly". At present, there are 13 special grade teachers, 22 senior middle school teachers, 90 senior primary school teachers, 51 urban level backbone teachers, 5 famous teachers in Yuzhong, 2 winners of the National May Day Labor Medal, 2 people who enjoy the government subsidies of the State Council, 4 provincial and ministerial level labor models, 3 national outstanding teachers, 3 outstanding young pioneers instructors, and 1 young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Chongqing.

The school is committed to the all-round development, personality development and independent development of students, realizing "Three Harmonies", "Four Dangs" and "Five Abilities", highlighting the student culture of "noble morality, wisdom and flexibility, strong physique, beauty and novelty". "Three Harmonies" means the sum of self, human and nature; "Four Dangs" means that everyone is a flag raiser, a leading operator, a small cadre and a volunteer; "Five skills" means that everyone can swim, everyone can pottery, everyone can calligraphy, everyone can play musical instruments, and everyone can play chess. Among them, one won the "National Top Ten Outstanding Young Pioneers", two won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Innovation Award, one won the "Chongqing Glorious Contribution Award", four won the "Youth Science and Technology Innovation" Mayor Award, 15 won the District Chief Award, and three published novels. Two "story kings" were received by President Xi Jinping; Zhang Jingzhi, the champion of the World Violin Competition, held solo concerts in Italy and the United States. The small art troupe performed in Japan, France, Britain, Austria and other countries.

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