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What is the contact number of Chongqing Yuegang Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-11-08 browse

First of all, parents should understand the nature of the two schools. Vocational schools are directly open to the public after completing their studies. Ordinary children have the opportunity to go to college, undergraduate, graduate, etc. Therefore, we must consider clearly when choosing schools, which is related to the future of children.

Zhejiang Lin'an Middle School Admissions Office Tel: unknown

The more information about the school, the more help we will get. But many parents are afraid that the information they know is not true. As long as parents pay attention to the school's official website information, the information they know is generally true. If parents have questions, they can call the school's recruiting teacher, so that we don't have to worry about the information we know is not true, You can also apply for the school you like with confidence.

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