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How about Xietaizi Primary School in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing? OK or not?

admin 2023-11-28 browse

When students and parents fill in the school, they want to know about the school running situation and want to enter a school with good conditions in all aspects. This requires everyone to learn about the school in many ways according to their own actual situation. A good school can provide us with a good learning environment, but our learning attitude is also important. I hope everyone can achieve good results in school.

Introduction to Xietaizi Primary School in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing

The school was founded in 1938. The long school running history of more than 80 years has accumulated rich cultural heritage and rich school running experience for the school. The school adheres to the core concept of "Xietai empowers Pengcheng Zhiyuan", takes the motto of "growing non-stop step by step" as well as the theme of "Pengyuan Education", insists on running the school with quality, strengthens the school characteristics, improves the school running quality, and actively deepens the connotation of campus culture. The school has 111 teaching staff, 38 teaching classes and more than 1900 students.

In recent years, the school has successively won the titles of "National Demonstration School for National Defense Education in Primary and Secondary Schools", "Chongqing Municipal Demonstration Post for Waste Classification Volunteer Service", "Chongqing Municipal Demonstration Post for Non waste School Publicity", "Demonstration School for Science and Technology Popularization Activities for Chinese Teenagers", "First National Science Education Experimental Base", "National Demonstration School for Science Experience Activities for Teenagers" "National New Curriculum Reform Experimental Garden", "National Children's Safety Action Demonstration School", "Chongqing Civilized Unit", "Chongqing Education Research Experimental Base", "Chongqing Education Innovation Model School for the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up", "Chongqing Advanced School for Safety Work" and other titles.

Xietaizi Primary School in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing has first-class education and teaching quality, scientific humanistic management and beautiful and quiet environment, which can fully meet the daily life needs of students. It is an excellent school, and all interested students can enter it.

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