When inquiring about the school, it is the most convenient and quick way for students to call the enrollment number of the school to learn about the school. So students can directly call the school teachers when facing questions from the school. Each school has different qualifications and teaching staff. Students can call directly to learn about the basic situation of the school, which also saves them trouble when inquiring about the school. So students must check the enrollment telephone number of the school when they learn about the school.
Chongqing Foreign Language School Forest Primary School Admission Office Tel: 023-68799909
At present, the communication is well developed, and the mobile phone is also a part of the staff. Some students may have a mobile phone configured for their parents in the primary school, so it is the fastest way for students to call the school directly when they learn about a school. For school questions, the teachers can also quickly answer them for you. Students, if you want to succeed in learning, don't let go of your precious learning time. You should know that time actually passes quickly. You should not only seize the time, but also seize the study.
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Tips: This website is not the official website of the school. Please check the contact information of the school by yourself or click here: Click here to query relevant schools