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What is the contact number of Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-18 browse

The contact number of the school admission office is convenient for everyone to dial. If students encounter something unclear about the school, they should not be shy and dare to ask the teacher of the school admission office. The teacher will introduce the school in detail, so the editor will introduce it to everyone.

Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-65203054

Enrollment of Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School Students with Sports Skills

Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School is the State General Administration of Sports. Approved by the Ministry of Education, it has established "National Traditional Sports School", "Chongqing Pilot School for Training Sports Reserve Talents", "Chongqing Student Art Troupe Chorus", and "Shapingba Sports Reserve Talents Training Base School" named by the Education Commission and the Sports Bureau of Shapingba District. The school sports team and choir insist on training all the year round and have made great achievements. In order to better implement Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School's "school with sports and art characteristics", and in combination with the enrollment indicators and document spirit issued by Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School decided to continue to implement the enrollment of sports and art students in 2017.

1、 Target

We will recruit students with high level of primary schools and junior high school sports arts in the city, and select primary school and junior high school graduates who are excellent in both quality and learning and have outstanding strengths.

2、 Registration materials

When registering, bring the original account, the original and copy of the project or relevant award certificate, and two 1-inch photos.

3、 Enrollment project

Sports: track and field, football, table tennis, badminton, aerobics, shooting

Art: Vocal music. Instrumental music (also vocal music). Host (also vocal music). Art

4、 Time and place of registration: from the beginning to April 8, and from the beginning to May 13

Place of application: Sports and Arts Office on the fourth floor of the school administration building

5、 Test time and place

Registration time: May 16-18:

Test time: 8:30-11:00 am, May 21

Location: functional rooms (areas) on campus

6、 Test students' belongings

1. In addition to piano, other musical instruments should be prepared by examinees themselves

2. Vocal music and other soundtracks for examinees

3. The painting test paper shall be uniformly configured by the school, and other tools shall be brought by the examinee

7、 Test contents and requirements:

1. Physical education (the examinee is healthy without injury)

Track and field: (1) Top five students who have participated in sports competitions in their districts and counties.

(2) The content of the examination is the 60m standing jump and 300m long jump for primary school students; Junior high school students only take special examinations.

Table tennis: (1) Candidates who have participated in the top five sports competitions in their districts and counties.

(2) Basic technology. Teaching competition.

Badminton: (1) Candidates who have participated in the top five sports competitions in their districts and counties.

(2) Basic technology. Teaching competition.

Football: (1) Candidates must be school team students

(2) Physical fitness. Basic skills.

Aerobics: (1) The examinee has the foundation of martial arts and rhythmic gymnastics; Candidates bring their own music; (mp3 format).

(2) Height requirements: (male) no less than 1600cm in junior high school, and no less than 150cm in primary school;

(Female) no less than 15000cm in junior high school and no less than 140cm in primary school

(3) Examination content: three prongs, push ups, standing long jump demonstration, optional complete set of movements

Shooting: candidates must be students of the school team

2. Art

Vocal music examinee: (1) Have good sound conditions and certain vocal music foundation, and solfeggio music score (simple score or line score).

(2) Candidates bring their own songs for live singing (accompaniment). The examiner will perform solfeggio and ear training on the designated tracks.

Instrumental music examinee: (1) The examinee must obtain the first prize or above in the district level competition, or have the upper secondary professional certificate

(2) Bring your own etude. Choose one piece of music to play; The examiners designated songs to perform solfeggio and ear training.

Host: (1) Have experience in hosting school level activities. (2) Read the manuscript. (3) Simulate hosting. (4) Talent display.

Art: Xiao Shengchu:

(1) Sketch: gypsum geometry sketch (exam time 2.5 hours);

(2) Color: color proposition creation (2.5 hours); Gouache, watercolor, oil painting stick and colored lead can be used;

Note: For the above two categories, candidates can choose to take the exam.

(3) Calligraphy: hard pen or soft pen (exam time: 2 hours) (candidates can choose the exam according to their own expertise.

Initial rise:

(1) Sketch: still life sketch (exam time 2). 5-3 hours);

(2) Color: Still life sketch (exam time 2). 5-3 hours). Watercolor materials;

Note: For the above two categories, candidates can take the exam according to their own strengths.

8、 Admission method:

According to the examinee's specialty interview results and cultural achievements (after passing the special examination for primary school graduates, they will enter the comprehensive quality test; after passing the professional examination for junior high school graduates, they will be admitted according to the junior high school joint examination results, grades and other factors.

Candidates without competition experience and examination certificate need nearly 5 years of continuous project learning experience

Instrumental music mainly includes folk music and vocal music; Art focuses on painting.

Everyone must want to know about the enrollment information of the school. If students are interested in the school and want to know about the relevant information of the school, especially the enrollment content, you can choose to directly consult the enrollment office of the school. Especially about the enrollment of professional students, you must carefully ask about the enrollment conditions.

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