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What is the contact number of Chongqing Tibet Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-18 browse

Graduation season has come, and many students have consulted about Chongqing Tibet Middle School. In order to let everyone better understand the relevant content, the editor specially sorted out the contact numbers of the enrollment office of Chongqing Tibet Middle School. You can refer to it. If you encounter something unclear, you can ask the school teacher. Finally, I hope you can be more careful when choosing.

Chongqing Tibet Middle School Admissions Office Tel: 023-650383

Summary of Emergency Evacuation Drill for Dormitory of Tibet Middle School in Chongqing

At 14:00 on May 17, Chongqing Tibet Middle School Dormitory Emergency Evacuation Exercise celebrated the beginning of the Tibet Middle School Dormitory Emergency Evacuation Exercise. Under the orderly command of teachers, all students evacuated to the small square safely and orderly after 3 minutes and 47 seconds. It can be seen that after strict evacuation drill training, teachers and students of Chongqing Tibet Middle School have basically mastered the emergency escape routes and skills of dormitory.

The success of the drill stems from the strict training before the drill. On May 15, Li Sheng, the vice principal of the school, organized the members of the drill team, the head teacher, and the life teacher to learn the drill plan, and asked everyone to remember their responsibilities, be familiar with and check the safety of the evacuation route, take the drill as a real battle, pay attention to their thoughts, and act quickly. At the same time, the head teacher is required to organize students to learn the dormitory evacuation drill plan, so that each student can understand the importance of the drill, remember the dormitory escape route, and master the dormitory escape skills.

On May 16, Li Sheng, Vice President, once again conducted evacuation drill training for more than 300 students in the school auditorium, including the life committee members of all classes, safety committee members and dormitory principals. Principal Li asked the person in charge of the dormitory to understand the health status of the students in the dormitory, arrange special students to help the injured students, and shall not abandon the students in case of emergency; Require the safety committee to investigate the class evacuation route and dormitory safety hazards again to ensure that the evacuation route is unblocked; Members of the life committee are required to master the class situation, quickly organize the class assembly after evacuation, timely count the number of people, and report to the drill commander.

Only strict training and continuous drills can ensure the safety of students in emergencies. The exercise also exposed some problems that need to be improved. First of all, the signal whistle for the beginning of evacuation was not loud enough, and the whistle was not heard in three of the boys' dormitories. Secondly, during the evacuation, the two girls returned to the dormitory to change their shoes after the evacuation. In view of this situation, Vice President Li Sheng asked all teachers and students to:

1、 In the process of evacuation, teachers and students are required to pay attention to the class situation, especially the life teachers should effectively handle the evacuation of dormitory students.

2、 Further strengthen the safety evacuation drill education in the dormitory of teachers and students, and further clarify the safety responsibilities of teachers and students. Orderly, fast, non crowded and anti trampling.

3、 Further enhance the awareness of teachers and students to learn safety education books of Chongqing Tibet Middle School, and improve their ability to deal with emergencies.

Li Xiaohong, Vice Minister of Education, visited Chongqing Tibet Middle School for investigation

On May 18, Li Xiaohong, vice minister of the Ministry of Education, was in the office of Wang Yuguo, deputy secretary-general of the General Office of the Chongqing Municipal People's Government, Deng Rui, deputy director of the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Wang Yue, secretary of the Shapingba District Party Committee, Tao Shixiang, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, director of the Office and director of the Publicity Department, Cai Daojing, member of the Standing Committee of the Shapingba District Party Committee, secretary of the Education Work Committee and director of the Education Commission Accompanied by Zhou Hongling, Deputy District Head of Shapingba District Government, Jiang Peng, Deputy Director of Basic Education Department of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Li Ying, Deputy Director of Shapingba District Government Office, Xiang Bin, Deputy Director of Shapingba District Education Commission, and other leaders, they went to Chongqing Tibet Middle School for research. Li Zongliang, President and Secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing Tibet Middle School, led the administrative team to greet the students at the school gate.

Students from the etiquette department of Chongqing Tibet Middle School presented a white hada to Li Xiaohong, vice minister of the school. Accompanied by President Li Zongliang, the delegation led by Director Li entered Class 1, Class 3 and Class 4, and was warmly welcomed by teachers and students. Minister Li bent down and asked the children kindly: How long have they been at school and how old they are this year. They are not used to living in Chongqing. There are several people in the family. The children answered one by one. After coming out of the classroom for grade one students in junior high school, the delegation led by Li visited the students' calligraphy corridor, and then visited the student dormitory, student canteen and student community activity center. At the student community activity center, Minister Li talked with Tibetan teachers with great interest. During the conversation, Minister Li asked the Tibetan teachers about their work and life in Chongqing with concern. Looking at the works of the children who had joined the calligraphy club before, Minister Li could not help but give a thumbs up and praise for many times: "It's great that children can write such beautiful characters!"

On the way, Minister Li listened to the report of President Li Zongliang on school education and teaching management, curriculum reform, home visits and follow-up visits of graduates. Minister Li fully affirmed the beautiful campus environment, scientific and meticulous management, outstanding school running characteristics, remarkable school running achievements and exciting teachers and students of Chongqing Tibet Middle School; It is hoped that the school will continue to take ethnic education as a political task, do a good job in daily management, security and stability, and further do a good job in ethnic education.

You can have a detailed understanding of the school through the phone of the school admission office. If you don't know the enrollment information, you can consult the college through the above telephone, reasonably plan your own time, and understand the enrollment results and conditions of the school. You can go to the school to register at the school registration time.

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