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What is the contact number of Chongqing Yugao Middle School Admissions Office

admin 2023-10-18 browse

What is the contact information of Chongqing Chongqing High School Admissions Office? The telephone enables people thousands of miles away to communicate. Similarly, students can also learn about the school situation by telephone. For many students who want to know about the school, it is the most convenient to call. I will sort out the school phone number for students to refer to.

Chongqing Chongqing High School Admissions Office Contact: (023) 68610953

Teaching Trends of Chongqing High School

Research questions, clear direction, and forge cooperation - to record the teaching defense of Grade 2018

From the end of November to the beginning of December 2017, all the teachers of Grade 2018 of Chongqing Yugao Middle School held a college entrance examination preparation and proposition research defense activity in Erlang Campus. The 10 lesson preparation groups in the third year of senior high school attached great importance to this defense activity. The lesson preparation group meetings were held several times in the early stage to study the outline of the college entrance examination, analyze the college entrance examination questions in the past five years and the simulated test papers of the school directly under it recently, and carry out detailed and in-depth detection and reflection.

This defense activity is carried out in different disciplines. Each of the 10 lesson preparation groups is a unit. Each teacher in each lesson preparation group has made analysis on the college entrance examination in the past five years and predicted the college entrance examination in 2018. Chinese, mathematics and English are the university subject groups, each of whom uses a nickname as a cut to analyze and predict a certain test site in 10-20 minutes. The literature comprehensive and science comprehensive groups mainly focus on knowledge, start with macro and analyze details. It is a great honor to invite such experts as President Zhong Jilong, Vice President Jiang Yuanbin, Vice President Pan Xiaofeng and Vice President Tang Jie of Jiulongpo District School of Continuing Education as judges for this defense activity.

Secretary Chun Xiuyu, Deputy School Wang Guofu, Deputy School Yao Hai, Deputy School Chen Yubing, teacher Xu Haichao, grade director of Yugao Middle School, and leaders of each teaching and research group participated in the defense. After the presentation of the teachers of each discipline, the experts of the School of Continuing Education, the school level leaders and the leader of the corresponding lesson preparation group will ask questions of the teachers, and other teachers will make supplements, and finally make a comprehensive evaluation. I hope Yugao Middle School will further broaden its vision in preparing for the exam in the future, especially in traditional culture, international vision, national identity and other aspects, strengthen the combination and exchange between different subjects, and improve the overall level.

This defense activity further improved the teachers' professional development level of teaching, their ability to prepare for and set questions, more clearly defined the direction of preparing for the later college entrance examination, and had a deeper thought on how to guide students to improve their scores in the sprint stage. At the same time, this activity not only strengthened the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the preparation group, but also gathered the strength of the preparation group to produce satisfactory answers in June 2018.

Xiao Bian sorted out the contact information of the enrollment office of Chongqing Chongqing High School for the students. If you want to consult the school, you can directly call the school's telephone number to find out the details. For the students themselves, the more detailed you know about the school, the better it is for you to apply for the school. If the teacher does not contact you immediately, you can leave a message.

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