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How much will the tuition and fees of Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School be in 2022

admin 2023-12-10 browse

How much will the tuition and fees of Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School be in 2022

During the compulsory education stage, tuition fees are exempted.

Remarks: subject to the announcement of the school

Introduction to Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School

Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School was founded in 1986. The school has beautiful campus environment, perfect teaching facilities and strong teachers. It is a national experimental school of modern technology education named by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and one of the first demonstration schools in Chongqing. The school covers an area of nearly 60 mu. There are 71 teaching classes, more than 3800 students and 211 teaching staff, including 205 full-time teachers, 1 senior teacher, 13 senior middle school teachers, 9 special grade teachers and 13 municipal backbone teachers. There are 4 district level discipline leaders and 45 backbone teachers. The branch school, Shanhu Puhui Experimental Primary School, is a brand new and high starting point full-time experimental primary school with 3905 students in total.

School running scale of Shanhu Experimental Primary School in Nan'an District, Chongqing

Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School was founded in 1986 to meet the needs of the construction of Nanping Economic and Technological Development Zone. The former Shanhu Village, located in Nanping Economic Development Zone, covers an area of 16.2 mu, with 42 teaching classes, 2317 students, 112 teaching staff, including 105 full-time teachers. Under the care of the District Party Committee, the District Government and the District Education Committee, the school moved to the original Zhengyang Primary School site in 2006. The two schools were integrated into one. The school covers an area of 56 mu, with a building area of more than 26000 square meters, and a teaching area of more than 23000 square meters. There are 72 teaching classes, more than 3900 students, and nearly 250 teaching staff. The impressive teaching buildings, stormy playgrounds, science and technology museums, beautiful plastic sports fields, academic lecture halls, swimming pools, campus networks, modern computer rooms, recording and broadcasting rooms, campus closed-circuit television broadcasting systems, monitoring rooms and other teaching facilities show a new and vibrant experimental primary school. Over the past three decades, the school has always adhered to the people-oriented principle, constantly deepened educational reform, and taken the road of scientific research to prosper the school. The school takes "people-oriented, educating future people" as the school running philosophy, and leads teachers to carry out a series of educational experiments of "four skills and two guidance". It has formed the school running characteristics of "four skills" of "learning, working, living and being a person". The teachers of the school are noble, professional and willing to devote themselves to education.

Teachers of Chongqing Nan'an Coral Experimental Primary School

Among them, there are 13 senior middle school teachers, 9 special grade teachers and 2 national discipline leaders. More than 40 teachers have won national, municipal and district level commendations and awards. In the practice of education reform, the coral people have poured out the coral spirit with their sweat and painstaking efforts, which is mainly marked by "self-reliance, hard work, solidarity and cooperation, selfless dedication, determined reform, and the courage to explore". After three rounds of education reform experiments, the comprehensive strength of the school has been significantly improved. Nearly ten national, municipal and district level scientific research and experimental projects undertaken by the school won the first and second prizes respectively. It was rated as one of the "Top 50 Civilized Units" by the Municipal Reform Experimental School, the Municipal Civilized Unit, the model school approved by the municipal government after the direct administration of the Central Government, the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the National Advanced School of Physical Education and Health, and the Modern Educational Technology Experimental School approved by the Ministry of Education. In recent years, the school has vigorously promoted quality education. In particular, through the campus network calligraphy art education environment, a large number of calligraphy talents have been cultivated, and more than 800 people have won awards in the district, city and even the country. On March 15, 2001, it was awarded the title of "Chongqing Writing Textbook Experimental Center". In March 2002, under the guidance of Chongqing Painting and Calligraphy Art School, the school established the Painting and Calligraphy Teaching Department of Coral Experimental Primary School.

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