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How much will Chongqing Nankai Rongqiao Middle School charge for high school tuition in 2022

admin 2023-10-17 browse

How much will Chongqing Nankai Rongqiao Middle School charge for high school tuition in 2022

Tuition: 1200 yuan/student

Textbook fee 200 yuan/student period

Note: The charging standard is strictly in accordance with the standards approved by the competent departments of finance, price and education.

College Entrance Examination Results of Chongqing Nankai Middle School

In 2014 college entrance examination, Chongqing Nankai Middle School had 264 references in liberal arts, 175 people above the key line, and 66.3% of them were above the key line; 927 in science, 744 above the key line, 80.3% above the key line; The students of the school include the top 5 liberal arts students in Chongqing and the top 10 students in Chongqing. The school has 6 students; Top 30 in Chongqing, with 8 students from this school; Among the top 50 students in Chongqing, the school has 12 students; Top 40 science majors in Chongqing, with the school accounting for 10; Among the top 60 students in Chongqing, the school has 13 students. Among the top 80 students in Chongqing, the school has 18 students. Among the top 100 students in Chongqing, the school has 21 students; A total of 44 people were admitted by Tsinghua University and Peking University, including 10 in liberal arts and 34 in science. The number of people who graduated from liberal arts and science to Tsinghua University and Peking University ranked first in Chongqing; In addition, Wang Rui of the school was admitted to Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, and Peng Shuhan was admitted to Shenzhen Spring College in the United States.  

134 people were above the key line, and the key line rate was 44.5%; 1108 science students (including Rongqiao Campus) were referred, 837 people were on the key line, and the key line rate was 75.5%. Top 25 liberal arts majors in Chongqing, with 5 students in the school; Top 50, 10 students from the school; Among the top 5 science majors in Chongqing, the school has 3 students, one of whom won the first prize in science in Chongqing; Top 7 in Chongqing, with 5 students from this school; Top 15 in Chongqing, with 8 students from this school; A total of 47 people were admitted by Tsinghua University and Peking University, including 15 from Tsinghua University and 32 from Peking University; Hong Kong University enrolled 48 candidates in Chongqing, 28 of whom came from Chongqing Nankai Middle School, ranking first in Chongqing.

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