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Chongqing Shapingba Primary School Enrollment Policy

admin 2023-12-19 browse

1、 Enrollment Principles

(1) Principle of admission according to law

Before August 31, 2022 (including August 31), all school-age children who have reached the age of 6 shall receive and complete compulsory education according to law. The legal guardian of Shapingba District registered school-age children whose physical condition really needs to be postponed to the age of 7 shall submit a written application and report it to the Education Commission of Shapingba District for filing before July 30, 2022. The school-age children and adolescents who have completed primary school education with Shapingba District household registration, and the out of school children with primary school education who are under the age of 16 years old with Shapingba District household registration (new students are not subject to age restrictions) shall receive and complete compulsory education in junior high school according to law.

(2) Examination free admission principle

The school-age children and adolescents with household registration in Shapingba District (excluding the household registration in the park directly under the jurisdiction of Chongqing High tech Zone, the same below) are enrolled in school in the nearest place where their household registration is located. Compulsory education schools are not allowed to select students in the name of written examination, interview, interview, etc., and completely cancel the recruitment of excellent students, recommended students, specialty students, etc.

(3) Principle of synchronization with the same weight

The public and private compulsory education schools will release enrollment plans, review enrollment materials and enroll students simultaneously. Eligible school-age children and primary school graduating students can choose a private school to register, and public and private schools cannot simultaneously register.

(4) Principle of normative fairness

We will improve the sunshine enrollment mechanism for compulsory education, make enrollment policies fully open, make enrollment procedures fully public, and involve multiple representatives. We will effectively strengthen enrollment supervision and regulation, standardize enrollment behavior, and ensure fair enrollment opportunities, open procedures, and fair results.

2、 Enrollment Plan

In 2022, it is estimated that there will be 8500 junior high school entrance degrees and 12800 primary school entrance degrees in Shapingba District. The number of students enrolled will be subject to the actual number of students enrolled.

Enrollment Measures

(1) Admission mode of public secondary schools

Junior high school enrollment adheres to the principle of "relatively nearby, examination free enrollment", and adopts the combination of "counterpart school assignment, computer random assignment, and regional overall arrangement".

1. The new students of Shapingba District with household registration who graduated from primary schools in the district enter the school

The new graduates of the primary school in Shapingba District with household registration shall enter the school corresponding to their primary school without examination.

In 2022, there will be two new primary schools with the first batch of graduates. The counterpart middle school of Shuren Bowen Primary School in Shapingba District of Chongqing is the experimental middle school of Chongqing No. 7 Middle School, and the counterpart middle school of Shabin School in Shapingba Primary School of Chongqing is Shabin School of Chongqing No. 7 Middle School.

2. The new students of Shapingba District with household registration who graduated from primary schools outside the district enter the school

The District Education Commission's Central Office will make overall arrangements to enroll students relatively nearby according to the degree vacancy of the secondary school in the area where the student's household registration is located.

3. Enrollment in junior high school degree intensive schools in the district

Municipal key middle schools in Shapingba District: Chongqing Seventh Middle School, Chongqing Fengmingshan Middle School, Chongqing Qingmu Guanzhong School; "Civilian to public" schools: Chongqing Famous School Union Middle School, Chongqing Nanchu Middle School, and Chongqing Shuren Middle School. The above six schools are degree intensive schools in junior high school. The enrollment work of the above six schools is carried out in the way of "voluntary application and random assignment".

The new graduates with household registration in Shapingba District who have graduated from primary schools in the district are qualified to participate in the computer random assignment of enrollment indicators for degree intensive schools in junior high school. Fresh graduates of primary schools outside the registered permanent residence area of Shapingba District and primary schools outside the registered permanent residence area of Shapingba District do not have the qualification to participate in the computer random assignment of junior high school degree intensive schools.

The assignment area and mode of Chongqing No. 7 Middle School, Fengmingshan Middle School and Qingmuguan Middle School, municipal key middle schools, will remain unchanged from 2021. The assignment primary school of Chongqing No. 7 Middle School will add Shabin School of Shapingba Primary School in Chongqing, and the assignment primary school of Qingmuguan Middle School will add Shuren Bowen Primary School of Shapingba District in Chongqing.

Students who are qualified to participate in the computer random assignment of three "civilian to public" schools can choose one of the three schools to participate in the computer random assignment.

Municipal key middle schools and "civilian to public" schools do not report concurrently. If they choose to participate in the computer random assignment of "civilian to public" schools, they will no longer be eligible to participate in the computer random assignment of municipal key middle schools in the area. Each student can only fill in one volunteer.

4. Enrollment of migrant children

Adhere to the principle of "two priorities, two inclusion", implement the compulsory education accompanying children enrollment policy based on residence permits, and ensure that accompanying children who meet the basic requirements of the National Interim Regulations on Residence Permits should be fully enrolled. In addition to Chongqing Shangqiao Experimental School, Chongqing No. 15 Middle School, Chongqing No. 64 Middle School, and Chongqing Ertang Junior High School, four schools designated for migrant children, other ordinary middle schools with spare degrees can also enroll eligible migrant children within the school enrollment plan. Students with household registration in the core area of the main city should, in principle, return to the district or county where their household registration is located to attend junior high school.

(2) Enrolment mode of public primary schools

1. Enrollment of school-age children with household registration in Shapingba District

The school-age children of primary school enter school according to the principle of "three pairs", that is, the school-age children are consistent with their parents' household registration, housing property right certificate and actual residence. For school-age children who have reached the age of 6 years before August 31 (including August 31) of the year of their household registration in Shapingba District, in principle, according to the compulsory education enrollment service areas of primary schools divided by the District Education Commission, they can enter the school nearby without examination, and must meet the relevant requirements of the Opinions of Shapingba District Education Commission on Further Regulating the Compulsory Education Enrollment Work (SJWF [2019] No. 201).

All children of Shapingba District with registered permanent residence of the right age can apply for the degree of Shuren Fengtian Primary School in the "civilian to public" school, but can not concurrently report with other public and private primary schools. After the review of the degree application, if the number of applicants is less than or equal to the number of random assignments, direct admission will be implemented; if the number of applicants is greater than the number of random assignments, computer random assignments will be implemented. Students who have been drawn by lottery must log in to the "Compulsory Education and Preschool Education Enrollment System of Shapingba District" for confirmation before 18:00 on June 21, and attend the on-site data review according to the school's notice; those who have not been confirmed are deemed to have given up automatically. If the local registered school-age children not selected by Shuren Fengtian Primary School have no capacity to be accepted by the corresponding primary schools, the district education committee will make overall arrangements to enroll in the public primary schools with degrees around their registered permanent residence.

2. Enrollment of school-age children not registered in Shapingba District

Children of non Shapingba registered age who have applied for a degree from the Education Commission of Shapingba District and passed the examination shall be arranged to enter the school with the valid residence certificate issued by the public security department of Shapingba District in the current year in accordance with the principle of "priority of house purchase, ranking of points, until the amount is full".

(3) Enrolment mode of private primary and secondary schools

Eligible school-age children and adolescents can log on the "Chongqing Compulsory Education School Enrollment Information Collection System" (website: www.cqywjybm. com) to collect online enrollment information, and voluntarily choose a private school to enroll in the computer random assignment lottery. The children of the dishonest executor are not qualified to apply for a private school degree. Private schools implement classified registration and enrollment according to the enrollment plan. According to the approved school scale, the school strictly checks and verifies the number of students enrolled in such categories as government purchased services, children of community supporting owners, nine-year straight junior high school, small language students, and children of sponsors, and collects and verifies the qualification materials of students in such categories. If the number of applicants for private schools is less than or equal to the enrollment plan, they will be directly enrolled by registration; if the number of applicants exceeds the enrollment plan, the District Education Commission will organize a computer to randomly assign a lottery number. Representatives of the National People's Congress, CPPCC members, discipline inspection and supervision personnel, notary office staff, students' NPC representatives, CPPCC members, discipline inspection and supervision personnel, notary office staff, and students' parents' representatives who did not have immediate family members in the same year are invited to participate in the whole process. After the computer lottery results are generated, the parents of the students who have been accepted by lottery will log on to the school enrollment information collection system of compulsory education in Chongqing before 18:00 on June 21 for confirmation, and those who have not confirmed will be deemed to have given up automatically. The registered students in Shapingba District who have not been accepted by private schools will be arranged by the District Education Commission according to relevant regulations to ensure that the public schools have "full coverage" and prevent students from dropping out.

(4) Admission under special circumstances

According to the actual situation of disabled children, special education schools should be arranged to enroll, study in regular classes, and send students to their homes, so as to ensure the right of disabled children to receive compulsory education. We will implement compulsory education and preferential treatment policies for children of martyrs, eligible children of active servicemen, public security heroes, policemen who died or were disabled on duty, children of national comprehensive fire rescue teams, and other eligible preferential recipients. Make good use of the "Chongqing compulsory education dropout control and education guarantee dynamic management platform", and accurately control dropout of enrollment work.

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